2 issue 2023
Spatial-dynamic heterogeneity of the COVID-19 epidemic process in the Russian Federation regions (2020–2023)
N.V. Zaitseva, S.V. Kleyn, М.V. Glukhikh
Alcohol consumption as health risk factor for the population in the RF regions in the ‘before crisis’ and ‘after crisis’ periods (2017–2022)
N.А. Lebedeva-Nesevria1,2, S.S. Gordeeva2
Alcohol consumption in a Russian metropolis: factors and risk groups
I.V. Bogdan1, M.D. Gornostalev1, V.A. Kuzmenkov1, T.A. Potyaeva2, D.P. Chistyakova1
Effectiveness of complex plans for air protection activities at heat and power enterprises as per risk mitigation and health harm indicators
N.V. Zaitseva1,2, S.V. Kleyn1,2, D.V. Goryaev3, А.М. Andrishunas1, S.Yu. Balashov1, S.Yu. Zagorodnov1
Methodical approaches to assessing public health risks under combined exposure to climatic factors and chemical air pollution caused by them
P.Z. Shur, А.А. Khasanova, М.Yu. Tsinker, N.V. Zaitseva
Calculating the number of disease cases associated with acute short-term exposure to harmful chemicals in ambient air
D.А. Kiryanov, М.Yu. Tsinker, D.R. Khismatullin
Peculiarities and risks of myopia in children attending comprehensive schools with different educational programs
I.Е. Shtina, S.L. Valina, О.Yu. Ustinova, L.V. Zamotina, О.А. Maklakova
Hygienic assessment of working conditions and occupational incidence among mining workers in the Arctic zone
of the Norilsk industrial area
D.V. Goryaev1, А.G. Fadeev1, P.Z. Shur2, V.А. Fokin2, N.V. Zaitseva2
Work environment of the automotive industry as a risk factor of diseases of the circulatory system among workers
E.T. Valeeva1,2, R.R. Galimova1,2, A.A. Distanova1, I.F. Suleymanova1, D.M. Galiullina1, N.B. Boyarinova1, L.Kh. Salavatova1, S.M. Isaeva1
Risks of HAIs: problems and pitfalls
N.I. Shulakova, A.V. Tutelyan, V.V. Maleev, V.G. Akimkin
Inter-cohort analysis of parental risk factors for development of infants
Yu.Е. Shmatova, I.N. Razvarina, А.N. Gordievskaya
Predicting risks of prothrombotic readiness under COVID-19 using genetic testing
N.A. Vorobyeva, A.I. Vorobyeva, A.S. Vorontsova
Glutathione as a prognostic factor of health risk in working population
T.V. Blinova, L.A. Strakhova, V.V. Troshin, S.A. Kolesov, I.A. Umnyagina, J.V. Ivanova
Immunochemical markers of effect under exposure to risk factors causing vibration disease of different etiogenesis: сomparative assessment
G.M. Bodienkova, E.V. Boklazhenko
Polymorphism of the ApoE gene as a risk factor of obesity in workers exposed to occupational hazards at ferrous metallurgy enterprises
D.D. Polyanina, I.А. Bereza, А.М. Amromina, D.R. Shaikhova, S.G. Astakhova, М.P. Sutunkova, V.B. Gurvich
Exposure to airborne nickel and phenol and features of the immune response mediated by E and G immunoglobulins
N.V. Zaitseva, О.V. Dolgikh, D.G. Dianova
The significance of green spaces for protecting health of urban population
B.A. Revich
Electromagnetic fields of cellular communication as a health risk factor for children and adolescents (review)
N.I. Khorseva1, P.E. Grigoriev2