Publishing authority

Approved by the Order issued by
Federal Service for Surveillance
over Consumer Rights protection
and Human Well-being
No. 434 dated May 03, 2011


of Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies

15. The Budgetary organization is entitled to charge on some activities which do not belong to its basic ones only because it helps to achieve the goals which underlie its creation and because these activities correspond to the said goals. Such activities include:
15.12 publishing scientific papers, information, reference and analytical materials which contain the results of scientific activities performed by the Budgetary organization except the results of scientific activities the rights on which belong to the Russian federation or the third parties; foundation of scientific editions and publishing.

15.13 granting rights on use of intellectual property objects as per license agreements within authority set forth by the legislation, except the rights belonging to the Russian Federation and the third parties ...

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