For Autors
Reviewing Policy, which regulates the order of reviewing papers submitted to "Health Risk Analysis" theoretical and practical edition.
Ethical and legal basis of editorial policy.
Requirements and conditions for publishing papers and other materials
Papers or any other materials can only be submitted for publishing if they have never been published elsewhere before and provided that their themes correspond to those stated in the list of the journal subject matters.
- Editorial ethics. A paper should be cleared by a supervisor and it should be submitted together with an official covering letter from an establishment where it has been written (with a round stamp); in cases when matters related to state secrets are concerned, it should also be sent together with an expert conclusion on whether it can be published openly. A paper should be signed by all its authors. All papers are to be submitted for external reviewing and editing. A date on which the final (corrected) variant of a paper is submitted is considered to be a date of a paper receipt.
- All papers are published free of charge.
- Authors are to submit the following:
- a paper UDC
- The title both in Russian and English languages
- Author(s)' full names in Russian and English (authors' surnames are to be transliterated in the same way as in previous works by the same authors).
- Address and the full denomination of an establishment where an author(s) works; it should contain the status of an establishment (an abbreviation before the denomination) and its departmental subordination. The denominations are to be given in Russian and English
- a 250-300 words abstract in Russian and English (an abstract should be well-structured, containing research object, research goal, applied techniques and approaches, and basic results)
- Key words (8-10 words) in Russian and English.
- Main body of a paper which is laid out as per stated requirements.
- A covering letter to a member of the journal's Editorial Board signed by a head of an establishment where an author(s) works.
- Contract on assignment of copyright.
- Paper materials are to be sent to the journal's Editorial Board by mail to the following address: Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, 82, Monastyrskaya str., Perm 614045 Russia, with a note "to the Editorial Board". Simultaneously electronic copies of the materials are to be sent via e-mail to the address journal Submission of electronic copies is obligatory.
- A paper should be typed in Microsoft Office Word:
- its size being from 7 to 15 pages (including figures, tables, and references).
- «Times New Roman» font.
- type size for the main body is 14.
- interval is 1.5.
- margins are as follows: top and bottom are 20 mm, left one is 20 mm, right one is 20 mm.
- indent is 1.25 см.
- pagination is in the center.
- A paper structure:
- introduction on contemporary development of a scientific sphere by the moment a paper is written,
- research goals and tasks,
- data and methods,
- results and discussion,
- conclusions as per points or an overall one,
- funding source (a source should be indicated (if there are any, for example, grants) may be given via the following: "Research has been accomplished due to financial support (funding) granted by... " (In case no funding was provided the section can remain blank);
- conflict of interests (a so called conflict of interests should be indicated; it can be conditions or facts which can influence research results (for example, funding was provided by people or companies concerned, and such people or companies were participating in discussions about research results, in writing papers on them etc.). In case there are no such conditions or facts, one should state the following: "Authors of the paper state there is no conflict of interests".
- references.
All the letter designations and abbreviations introduced by an author are to be deciphered in the text at their first mentioning.
- Requirements for tables and figures
- All graphs, photos, diagrams, schemes, tables etc. are to be placed inside the text. Any stretching beyond text boundaries is not acceptable.
- Photos are to be given in electronic form saved in one of bitmapped image formats (TIFF, JPG, BMP). Should graphs and/or figures be created in MS Excel, files in .xls format with initial information are to be submitted
- Any words short-cuts are not acceptable
- A paper text should contain links to all the figures, schemes, photos, tables, etc.
- Requirements to formulas
- Formulas are to be given in the center of a page
- Formulas and symbols are to be uniformed in all the parts of a paper
- Formulas which contain symbols different from standard Russian and English keyboard layout (Greek letters, hieroglyphs etc., especially if they are used as superscripts or subscripts) are to be enclosed as separate pictures together with a paper
- Single-line formulas are to be of the same type size as the main text. Multi-line formulas are to be typed with a smaller type size.
- Requirements to references:
- References are to consist of not less than 20 sources;
- References are to be arranged in alphabetical order, references to Russian sources come first, references to foreign sources follow;
- We strongly recommend to quote foreign authors (30%–40% out of the total number of sources);
- It is obligatory to quote latest works (a share of quoted works on the subject of a paper which have been published over the last five years is estimated).
- The following information is obligatory:
- Full name(s) of author(s),
- The title of a paper,
- The title of a journal/book,
- Place and year of publishing,
- The name of publishers,
- Year of publishing,
- Volume No. and Issue No.,
- Number of pages.
- References to any legal acts, State Standards, theses, or reference books are given at the bottom of a page as bottom notes;
- Any references to manuals or tutorials are not allowed;
- A reference to a web-source should include: full name(s) of author(s), the title of a paper, the title of a journal, year of publishing, Issue No., web-link, date of visiting a web-site.
- Arrangement examples
How to arrange references
- Alkogolizacija naselenija: tendencii i social'nye posledstvija: Analiticheskaja zapiska [Population alkohol involvement: tendencies and social consequences. Analytic report]. Irkutskstat, Irkutsk, 2014, 36 p. (in Russian).
- Zhdanova-Zaplesvichko I.G., Dubrovina O.A., Kuz'mina M.V., Shpakova N.L. Analiz dinamiki bytovyh otravlenij v Irkutskoj oblasti, v alkogolem i narkotikami, so smertel'nym ishodom. [Analysis of the dynamics of household poisoning the Irkutsk region, including alcohol and drugs, fatal cases]. Informacionno-analiticheskij bjulleten' za 2014 god, Irkutsk, 2015, pp. 31–34. (in Russian).
- Perezhogin A.N., Luzhnov M.V., Zhdanova-Zaplesvichko I.G., Dubrovina O.A., Tarbeeva Je.A., Kuz'mina M.V., Shpakova N.L. Analiz dinamiki zabolevaemosti hronicheskim alkogolizmom, alkogol'nymi psihozami i narkomaniej v Irkutskoj oblasti [Analysis of the dynamics of morbidity from chronic alcoholism, alcoholic psychosis and drug addiction in the Irkutsk region]. Informacionno-analiticheskij bjulleten' za 2014 god, Irkutsk, 2015, 40 p. (in Russian).
- Analiz prichin smerti v Rossijskoj Federacii: Spravka [Analysis of the mortality causes in the Russian Federation: Background]. Available at: (28.10.2015).
- Bobrova A.G. Metodicheskie podhody k ocenke vreda, nanosimogo p'janstvom i alkogolizmom [Methodological approaches to assessing the damage caused by drunkenness and alcoholism]. Vestnik Komi respublikanskoj akademii gosudarstvennoj sluzhby i upravlenija. Serija «teorija i praktika upravlenija, 2010, no.8 (13), pp. 114–119. (in Russian).
- V Rossii sostavili rejting alkogolizacii regionov [In Russia the regions were ranked by their alcohol involvement]. Izvestija, 23 Nov, 2015. Available at: (20.01.2016).
- Global'naja strategija sokrashhenija vrednogo upotreblenija alkogolja [Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol]. Vsemirnaja organizacija zdravoohranenija, 2010, 48 p. Available at: substance_abuse/activities/msbalcstrategyru1.pdf?ua=1 (25.08.2015).
- Zaykova Z.A. Smertnost' naselenija Irkutskoj oblasti, svjazannaja s upotrebleniem alkogolja [Mortality in the Irkutsk region, associated with alcohol consumption]. Aktual'nye problemy klinicheskoj i jeksperimental'noj mediciny: materialy Vserossijskaja nauch.-prakt. konferencii, posvjashhennoj 60-letiju Chitinskoj gosudarstvennoj medicinskoj akademii. Chita, 17-18 okt., 2013 g. Chita: ChRICChGMA, 2013, vol. 1, pp. 42–45. (in Russian).
- Zaykova Z.A. Smertnost' ot samoubijstv v Irkutskoj oblasti kak pokazatel' neblagopoluchija obshhestva [Suicide mortality in irkutsk region as indicator of society ill-being]. Social'nye aspekty zdorov'ja naselenija, 2014, Vol. 39, no. 5, 20 p. Available at:,ru/ (26.11.2014).
- Koncepcija realizacii gosudarstvennoj politiki po snizheniju masshtabov zloupotreblenija alkogol'noj produkciej i profilaktike alkogolizma sredi naselenija rossijskoj federacii na period do 2020 goda. [The concept of implementation of public policy to reduce the abuse of alcohol and to prevent alcoholism of the population of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020: the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 no. 2128-p.]. Available at: (23.12.2015).
- Leshhenko Ja.A. Osobennosti zabolevaemosti i smertnosti naselenija promyshlennogo goroda v svjazi s upotrebleniem alkogolja [Features of alcohol-related morbidity and mortality in industrial city]. Uspehi sovremennogo estestvoznanija, 2015, no. 1–6, pp. 926–931. Available at: (23.12.2015).
- Mazharov V.F., Artjuhov I.P., Gornyj B.Je. Ocenka smertnosti naselenija ot prichin, svjazannyh s upotrebleniem alkogolja (na primere Krasnojarskogo kraja) [Estimation of mortality from the alcohol drinking (on the example of Krasnoyarsk region)]. Sibirskoe medicinskoe obozrenie, 2011, no. 1 (67), pp. 100–103. (in Russian).
- Minobrnauki: shkoly i vuzy budut borot'sja s molodezhnym alkogolizmom [Ministry of Education: schools and universities will compete with youth alcoholism]. Izvestija, 16 Jan., 2016. Available at: (20.01.2016).
- Nemtsov A.V. Zloupotreblenie alkogolem i zdravoohranenie v Rossii [Alcohol abuse and healthcare in Russia]. Uroven' zhizni naselenija regionov Rossii, 2012, no. 1, pp. 60–61. Available at: download/31230752.PDF (23.12.2015).
- Nemtsov A.V., Shelygin K.V. Potreblenie alkogolja v Rossii: 1956-2013 gg. [Alcohol consumption in Russia. 1956-2013]. XVI sezd psihiatrov Rossii «Psihiatrija na jetapah reform: problemy i perspektivy»: materialy Vserossijskoj nauch.-prakt. konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem, 23-26 Sept., 2015 goda / pod obshhej redakciej N.G. Neznanova, Saint Petersburg: Al'ta Astra, 2015, pp. 414. Available at: download/2292?view=1&name=XVI-ROP-2015_abstr+%282%29.pdf (23.12.2015).
- snizhenii masshtabov zloupotreblenija alkogol'noj produkciej [On reducing the scale of alcoholic beverages’ abuse]. Federal'naja sluzhba po nadzoru v sfere zashhity prav potrebitelej i blagopoluchija cheloveka, 2016. Available at: 568669 (20.01.2016).
- Boeva A.V., Lisovcov A.A., Zimina L.A., Kuleshova M.V. Obraz zhizni i poteri zdorov'ja naselenija Irkutskoj oblasti, svjazannye s upotrebleniem alkogolja [Way of life and losses of health of the population in irkutsk oblast connected with alcohol intake]. Izvestija Samarskogo nauchnogo centra Rossijskoj akademii nauk, 2015, vol.16, no. 5 (2), pp. 832–835. (in Russian).
- Perezhogin A.N., Luzhnov M.V., Zhdanova-Zaplesvichko I.G., Dubrovina O.A. Ocenka jeffektivnosti meroprijatij po snizheniju masshtabov alkogolizacii naselenija Irkutskoj oblasti [Evaluating the effectiveness of measures to reduce the extent of alcohol abuse in the Irkutsk region]. Aktual'nye problemy bezopasnosti i analiza riska zdorov'ju naselenija pri vozdejstvii faktorov sredy obitanija: materialy VI Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem, Perm': Knizhnyj format, 2015, pp. 609–614. (in Russian).
- Izergina E.V., Lozovskaja S.A., Kosolapov A.B., Shevcova S.P. Predotvratimaja smertnost' muzhskogo naselenija Dal'nevostochnogo federal'nogo okruga Rossii [Preventable mortality of the male population of the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia]. Fundamental'nye issledovanija, 2015, no. 1–9, pp. 1836–1841. Available at: (23.12.2015).
- Sabaev A.V., Goleva O.P. Dinamika smertnosti naselenija Rossijskoj Federacii v rezul'tate ostryh alkogol'nyh otravlenij [The dynamics of population mortality due to acute alcoholic intoxications in the Russian Federation]. Problemy social'noj gigieny, zdravoohranenija i istorii mediciny, 2012, no. 4, pp. 21–23. (in Russian).
- Semenova S.N. Koren' problemy alkogolizma sredi podrostkov – durnoj primer [The root of the problem of alcohol abuse among teens – bad example]. Available at: (31.01.2016).
- Harchenko V.I., Kakorina E.P., Mishnev O.D., Najdenova N.G., Undrincov V.M., Virin M.M., Mihajlova R.Ju. Sravnitel'nyj analiz alkogol'noj smertnosti naselenija Rossii (problemy diagnostiki, traktovki, registracii, kolichestvennoj ocenki) [Comparative analysis of the Russian alcohol mortality (problem of diagnosis, treatment, registration, quantification)]. Sb. Novosti nauki i tehniki. Alkogol'naja bolezn', Moscow: VINITI, 2004, no. 2, pp. 1–20. (in Russian).
- Torgovlja v Rossii. 2013: Stat. sb. [Trade in Russia. 2013: Stat.collection]. Rosstat, Moscow, 2013, pp. 65–66. (in Russian).
- Torgovlja v Rossii. 2015: Stat. sb. [Trade in Russia. 2015: Stat.collection.]. Rosstat, Moscow, 2015, рp. 60. (in Russian).
- Upotreblenie alkogolja. Informacionnyj bjulleten' № 349 [Alcohol consumption. News bulletin № 349]. Vsemirnaja organizacija zdravoohranenija, 2015. Available at: fs349/ru/ (25.08.2015).
- Global health risks: mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks. Geneva, 2009, 63 р. Available at: (20.12.2015).
- Rehm J., Mathers C., Popova S., Thavorncharoensap M., Teerawattananon Y., Patra J. Global burden of disease and injury and economic cost attributable to alcohol use and alcohol-use disorders. Lancet, 2009, Jun. 27. DOI: 373(9682):2223-33. Available at: (31.01.2016).
- Requirements to information on author(s)
At the end of a paper it is obligatory to give information on all authors which is necessary for Russian Science Citation Index processing:
1). Family name, name, and patronymic of all authors written in full.
2). City, country (in brackets).
3). Scientific degree.
4). Job.
5). The full name of an organization – each author's working place.
6). Address (index, city, street, house number, building etc.), in brackets: e-mail, office phone number, ORCID ID.
Zaitseva Nina Vladimirovna (Perm, Russian Federation) – Academician, member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor; Scientific Director of Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies (614045. Perm, Monastyrskaya str., 82; e-mail:; tel.: 8 (342) 237-25-34, ORCID iD:
Should all the authors work at the same organization it is not necessary to give a working place for each author. It is sufficient to give a mail address for correspondence.