
1. General Provisions

  1. This Editorial Board Charter is a charter of an editorial board responsible for publishing a periodical printed mass medium, namely "Health Risk Analysis" journal (hereinafter called the Charter). The Charter fully conforms to the requirements set forth by the RF Federal Law "On Mass Media" passed on December 27, 1991 No. 2124-1.
    1.2. The Charter determines organizational, economic, legal, and social grounds for the activities performed by the Mass Medium Editorial Board of "Health Risk Analysis" journal periodical printed edition and fixes the order of the interaction between the Founder of the mass medium and the Editorial Board in the process of creation, production and distribution of the mass medium product.
  2. "Health Risk Analysis" journal as a periodical printed mass medium does not belong to advertising mass media.
  3. "Health Risk Analysis" journal periodical printed edition is registered as a mass medium by The Federal Service For Supervision Of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media (Roscomnadzor), Mass Medium Registration Certificate ПИ No. ФС 77-52552 issued on January 21, 2013.
  4. "Health Risk Analysis" journal periodical printed edition (hereinafter called the Mass Medium) was founded by Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies in the person of the Director Vadim B. Alekseev acting upon the Charter.
  5. The Founder and the Mass Medium Editorial Board (hereinafter called the Board) follow the Russian Federation legislation in their activities, notably, The Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the RF Federal Law "On Mass Media" passed on December 27, 1991 No. 2124-1, the RF Federal Law "On Advertising" passed on March 13, 2006 No. 38-FZ, the RF Federal Law "On the obligatory copy of the documents" passed on December 29, 1994 No. 77-FZ, as well as other regulations and this Charter.
    A representative of the Founder has the right to occupy any position in the Board team.
  6. The Mass Medium is issued by the Board.
  7. The Board is not a juridical person and independently acting economic entity.
  8. The Board operates under conditions of free mass information guaranteed by the Russian Federation Constitution on the basis of professional and creative independence. The Board does not depend on any political party and other social unions which pursue political goals. The Board operates in full conformity with the Russian Federation legislation and this Charter.
  9. The Board activities are funded by the Founder as per the procedure set forth by this Charter, the Founder Charter and other documents of the Founder.
  10. Should any obligations arise out of the Board activities, the Founder bears the responsibility, acts as a claimant and a respondent in the court and/or arbitration.
  11. Should the Founder be changed, all the rights and obligations of the Founder are to be passed to the legal successor.

2. The Board denomination and location

  1. The full official denomination of the Board is "Health Risk Analysis" journal Editorial Board.
  2. The Board location is 82, Monastyrskaya Str., Perm 614045 the Russian Federation

3. The object, goals, tasks and spheres of the Board activities

  1. The object of the Board activities is production and publication of the Mass Medium is conformity with the subject matters stated by the Founder at its registration as a mass medium.
  2. The Board goals are:
    • to spread information on new scientific developments in the sphere of assessing and managing population health risks, on positive experience in solving practical tasks aimed at providing sanitary and epidemiologic well-being of the population in the Russian Federation with implementation of internationally accepted risk analysis methodology;
  3. The Board major tasks are:
    • to search, collect and obtain information and to accomplish editorial revision of informational, authors' and other materials for further publication;
    • to publish the results of fundamental and applied scientific research; reviews and analysis of court practices in the sphere of health risk assessment and health risk management, provision of sanitary and epidemiologic well-being of the population, and consumer rights protection;
    • to perform any other activity which complies with the law and contributes into achieving major goals and solving major tasks, enriching material and technical resources and implementing collective social programs.
  4. The Board basic activity spheres are:
    • production and publication of the Mass Medium;
    • informational activity.

4. The rights and obligations of the Founder

  1. The Founder fulfils his (her) rights in full conformity with the RF Federal Law "On Mass Media" passed on December 27, 1991 No. 2124-1 and the present Charter.
  2. The Founder of the Mass Medium has the right:
    • to appoint on a position and to dismiss the Chief Editor and other staff of the Board. Staff are paid the salaries in conformity with staff list approved by the Founder.
    • to hire employees on the basis of civil contracts;
    • to cease or to suspend the Mass Medium activity in cases and in the order fixed by the present Charter;
    • to fix the order and terms of the Mass Medium edition;
    • to determine subject matters and specialization of the Mass Medium;
    • to change subject matter in the specialization of the Mass medium in the preset order;
    • to control the conformity of the Board activity to the legal regulations on mass media, the present Charter, the Mass Medium subject matter and specialization;
    • to demand from the Board and from the invited experts to observe the present Charter, standards of publishing and editorial ethics, to respect the rights, legitimate interests, honor, dignity, as well as business reputation of the authors, citizens, and organizations;
    • to pass over the right on the title of the Mass Medium or to change it.
  3. The Founder of the Mass Medium undertakes to:
    • observe the present Charter;
    • render assistance to the Board in issues which are within the Board competence;
    • provide working conditions which are required for fulfillment by the journalists of their responsibilities and provide necessary equipment;
    • fund the Mass Medium activities;
    • not to interfere in the professional activities of the Board except cases set forth by the legislation and the present Charter.
  4. The Founder has the right to interfere in the activities of the Board in the following cases:
    • when the Mass Medium is distributed with violations of the terms of its publishing or when the requirements set forth by the federal legislation and/or the present Charter are violated;
    • when the Mass Medium contains information publishing of which contradicts the legal requirements and the present Charter.
      In these cases the Founder has the right on his (her) own accord to cease or to suspend the Mass Medium activities.
  5. Should the Founder be reorganized, his (her) rights are fully passed over onto his (her) legal successor.
  6. The change of the Founder is to be accomplished in the order set forth by the existing legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The rights and obligations of the Board

  1. The Board is professionally independent in accomplishing its activities.
  2. The Board is headed by the Chief Editor (or his/her deputy on the written instruction of the Chief Editor) who fulfils his (her) rights in full conformity with the RF Federal Law "On Mass Media" passed on December 27, 1991 No. 2124-1 and the present Charter.
    The Chief Editor bears the full responsibility for observation of the requirements concerning a mass medium activity set forth by the RF Federal Law "On Mass Media" and other legal regulations existing in the RF.
  3. The Board has the right:
    • to accomplish its activity aimed at the Mass Medium publication and distribution from the moment of its registration as a mass medium;
    • to publish the Mass Medium on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;
    • to plan their creative activities on their own;
    • to ask for information concerning the activities of state authorities and organizations, public societies, and their officials and receive answers to their enquiries in full conformity with the existing legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • to publish any messages and materials in the Mass Medium without any coordination with the Founder, give estimates to any facts and events, express their opinion, enter any discussions etc;
  4. The Board undertakes to:
    • provide preparation of qualitative information materials;
    • to observe all the rights and legitimate interests of the third parties as well as observe the rights on the published works, including copyrights and allied rights;
    • to observe the rules of publishing mastheads;
    • to publish the obligatory messages in the Mass Medium which are to be published in conformity with the Law "On Mass Media";
    • to publish rebutment of information published in the Mass Medium if the Board don't have any proves that this information is correct;
    • to observe the rules of publishing confidential information.
      5.5.The Board also should:
    • provide timely and operative distribution of the Mass Medium. Distribution should take place within the terms stated by the Founder in coordination with the Chief Editor of the Mass Medium;
    • provide safety and considerate attitude towards the property, equipment, and other tangible assets which are given at their disposal;
    • organize their activities in full conformity with the existing legislation of the Russian Federation which fixes legal requirements to mass media.
  5. It is strictly prohibited to use the Mass Medium to commit public wrongs; to publish any information which contains state secrets or any other secrets protected by the law; to call for seizure of power, violent change of the constitutional system and the state integrity, fomentation of national, class, social, religious intolerance and hostility, and to publish war propaganda.

6. Management of the Board. Rights and obligations of the Chief Editor

  1. The Boards is supervised by the Founder and the Chief Editor within their competence set forth by the present Charter, the Charter, and other acts of the Founder.
  2. The Founder, within his or her competence set forth by the Charter and other acts of the Founder, solves the following tasks of the Board:
    • determines basic trends in the Board activities:
    • takes decisions on publishing advertising;
    • recruits and dismisses the Board personnel;
    • allocates necessary funds for production and publication of the Mass Medium and approves the Board budget.
  3. The Chief Editor is responsible for daily activities of the Board.
  4. The Chief Editor accomplishes his or her activities in full conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter and other acts of the Founder, labor contract, Contract with the Chief Editor, and the present Charter.
  5. The Chief Editor bears the full responsibility for observing requirements to the Boards activities and journalists activities set forth by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the present Charter.
  6. The Chief Editor is appointed at the post and released from it on the basis of the order issued by the Founder.
  7. The Chief Editor is recruited without any certain date of labor contract expiration except the cases in which conclusion of a fixed-term contract is allowed in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  8. The Chief Editor within his or her competence runs the Board on the basis of undivided authority and solves all the issues in the Boards activities on his or her own, except such issues which are within the competence of the Founder management.
  9. The Chief Editor:
    • represents the interests of the Board in their interactions with the Founder, state authorities, citizens, their unions, creative teams and organizations;
    • organizes the Board functioning, defines the Boards structure, issues orders and acts observation of which is obligatory for the Board personnel;
    • is in charge of creating current and prospective scheduled and subject production plans;
    • makes final decisions on production, publication, an distribution of the Mass Medium;
    • makes decisions on approval or rejection of the materials (messages) given for consideration, settles differences between authors, editors, and other Board personnel;
    • supervises observation of the fixed terms of preparation of the materials (messages) and their publication;
    • provides rational use of tangible and financial resources, technical appliances, necessary conditions for staff development and maintaining creative atmosphere in the team;
    • delegates authority to his or her deputies and personnel of the Mass Medium Board;
    • undertakes to observe the existing Rules and Regulations which arrange the Founder activities;
    • solves other issues which are within his or her competence as is fixed by the present Charter or any other acts of the Founder;
    • bears the full responsibility for observing requirements to the Mass Medium activities set forth by the RF law "On Mass Medium" and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.
  10. The Chief Editor enjoys the rights and fulfils the obligations in full conformity with the present Charter.
  11. The Chief Editor has the right to appoint the Editorial Council having approved the provision on it. All the decisions taken by the Editorial Council are of voluntary character.
  12. The members of the Editorial Council are appointed or excluded from it on a voluntary basis provided that the Chief Editor has granted his or her written consent on such actions. The Chief Editor is a member of the Editorial Council on the basis of his or her position.
  13. The Editorial Council is summoned by the Chief Editor as required to discuss issues concerning production and publication of the Mass Medium. The Chief Editor is to be present at any meeting of the Editorial Council.
  14. The Editorial Council is not entitled to discuss and take decisions concerning issues which are attributed to the competence of the Founder management by the provisions of the present Charter.

7. Rights of the editorial staff

  1. The editorial staff are all the employees that have concluded labor contracts with the Founder and are responsible for editing (literary, scientific, or technical one), collection, and preparation of texts and illustrations for the Mass Medium.
  2. The editorial staff take part in development and preparation of editorial plans, and in activities, performed by the Editorial Board; put forwards suggestions to the Editorial Board supervisors on how to improve the Mass Medium quality and to make editing and issuing processes faster. The editorial staff adopt the Editorial Board Charter which consequently is to be approved by the Founder.
  3. The editorial staff fulfill their rights at the General Meeting (of the editorial staff). All the disputable questions are to be discussed and decisions related to them are to be made by voting. To make a decision, a simple majority is required.
  4. A decision made by the editorial staff is considered to be valid only if it was made at a meeting with the number of participants being at least ¾ of the overall number of the editorial staff.
  5. The editorial staff as a whole and each employee have the rights and carry the responsibilities fixed in the RF labor legislation and the present Charter.
  6. All the editorial staff should:
    • adhere to the labor regulations accepted at the Editorial Board, labor and production discipline;
    • treat the property belonging to the Editorial Board and the Founder with proper care.

8. The grounds and the order of cessation and suspension of the Mass Medium activity

  1. The publication of the Mass Medium can be ceased or suspended only by the decision of the Founder or by the court in the civil justice process as per any claim presented to the court by a registering authority.
  2. The Founder has the right to cease or to suspend the Mass Medium activity in case that:
    • the Board has violated the law on mass media, journalists ethics standards, or the present Charter repeatedly after receiving a warning from the Founder;
    • production and publication of the Mass Medium makes losses not profits;
    • the Founder does not have any further possibility to fund the publication of the Mass Medium;
    • the production and publication of the Mass Medium are considered to be inexpedient by the Founder as per any other reasons. The decision on cessation or suspension of the Mass Medium activity is taken by the Founder after consultations with the Board management.
  3. Should the Founder take a decision to cease the publication of the Mass Medium, the Founder preserves the right to resume the publication of the Mass Medium under the same title.
  4. Should the Founder take a decision to cease the publication of the Mass Medium, the certificate of its registration and the present Charter become invalid. The Board is to be eliminated in such case.
  5. Should the Founder violate the present Charter, the Board has the right to put the matter in the face of the Founder.

9. Assignment and (or) preservation of the right on the title

  1. The right on the title of the Mass Medium belongs to the Founder.
  2. Should the preparation and publication of the Mass Medium be ceased, the right to resume the publication of the Mass Medium under the same title is preserved by the Founder.
  3. Should the Founder take a decision to cease the publication of the Mass Medium, the Founder preserves the right to resume the publication of the Mass Medium under the same title.

10. The consequences of change of the Founder(s)

  1. Should the Founder be changed, or should any changes in the composition of the founders occur, the Board continue their activity after re-registering in the order fixed by the law.
  2. Should the Founder be reorganized, the rights and obligations of the Founder are to be fully assigned to the legal successor. Should the Founder be liquidated, the Mass Medium activities are to be ceased.

11. The cessation and suspension of the Board activities

  1. The Board activities can be ceased or suspended only by the decision of the Founder or the court.
  2. The cessation of the Mass Medium activities entails the invalidity of the registration certificate and the Board Charter.

12. Liquidation or reorganization of the Board, changes in its legal form

  1. Reorganization of the Board in any form fixed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, changes in its legal form do not give any grounds for the cessation of production and publication of the Mass Medium provided that the Founder did not decide otherwise.
  2. Should the Board be liquidated, the publication of the Mass Medium is to be ceased.

13. The order of approval and alteration of the Board Charter

  1. The Board Charter is passed on the meeting of the total Board journalists team and approved by the Founder.
  2. Alterations and addenda into the Board Charter are made by the Founder on the own initiative and by the suggestions of the Board. Any alterations and addenda concerning the rights of the journalists team are made only after they have been approved by the meeting of the journalists team; any alterations and addenda concerning the state of the Board, relations between the Board and the Founder, and management of the Board are to be made with the Founder consent.

14. The concluding provisions

  1. Should the Founder take a decision to cease the Mass medium activities, the present Charter becomes no longer valid.
  2. Legal relationships which are not regulated by the present Charter are to be regulated in full conformity with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. The present Charter comes into force form the moment of its approval by the Founder.

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