Polymorphism of the ApoE gene as a risk factor of obesity in workers exposed to occupational hazards at ferrous metallurgy enterprises

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D.D. Polyanina, I.А. Bereza, А.М. Amromina, D.R. Shaikhova, S.G. Astakhova, М.P. Sutunkova, V.B. Gurvich


Yekaterinburg Medical Research Center for Prophylaxis and Health Protection in Industrial Workers, 30 Popova Str., Ekaterinburg, 620014, Russian Federation


Obesity contributes to the development of severe concomitant diseases and substantially degrades the quality of life. This pathological condition is caused by multiple risk factors including hazardous workplace exposures and genetic predisposition. The ApoE gene participates in regulation of lipid metabolism. Its most significant polymorphisms are rs429358 and rs7412 with the resulting е2, е3 and е4 alleles.

This study did not consider effects of electromagnetic fields generated by office electrical equipment or the lifestyle of the subjects. The sample included people with a large age difference due to the rarity of the apolipoprotein е2 and е4 alleles. The sample was not standardized by age and years of work experience.

The aim of this study was to investigate associations between the ApoE gene polymorphisms and body mass index in workers employed at a metallurgic plant.

We examined 328 male office workers and workers of a converter workshop. The body mass index (BMI) was calculated based on the results of instrumental measurements of weight and height using the conventional formula. DNA was isolated from peripheral blood using the LumiPure DNA gel extraction kit, and polymorphisms were determined using amplification by Calero et al with modifications and horizontal agarose gel electrophoresis. The data were analyzed using the Kruskal – Wallis test.

Statistically significant differences were established in the blue-collar workers. The highest mean BMI value was established in the e2 allele carriers.

We found that people with the e2 allele in their genotype were more prone to obesity. We also assume a potential association between the unsafe work environment and a more pronounced manifestation of the phenotype. These findings can be used for identifying individuals at risk and taking timely preventive measures.

ApoE, obesity, risk factors, BMI, lipid metabolism, ferrous metallurgy, harmful production, cholesterol
Polyanina D.D., Bereza I.А., Amromina А.М., Shaikhova D.R., Astakhova S.G., Sutunkova М.P., Gurvich V.B. Polymorphism of the ApoE gene as a risk factor of obesity in workers exposed to occupational hazards at ferrous metallurgy enterprises. Health Risk Analysis, 2023, no. 2, pp. 155–159. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2023.2.15.eng
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