3 issue 2016
Transport illumination: health risks for personnel and passengers
V.A. Kaptsov1, V.N. Deinego2
Combined spine and pelvis injuries in children living in conditions of harmful impact of aluminium industry
M.B. Negreyeva1, V.S. Kopylov1, V.S. Ulyanov2
Hygienic assessment of priority risk factors of environment and health condition of the population of Moscow
E.E. Andreeva1, G.G. Onishсhenko2,5 S.V. Kleyn3,4
Hygienic assessment of drinking water quality and risks to public health in Krasnoyarsk region
D.V. Goryaev, I.V. Tikhonova, N.N. Torotenkova
Evaluation of carcinogenic risk to public health of the republic of Khakassia associated with consumption of drinking water
E.A. Pivovarova, N.Yu. Shibanova
Hygienic assessment of risk factors for skin infections in athletes–wrestlers
N.Ch. Davletova, I.A. Zemlenukhin, D.S. Martykanova, S.M. Mugallimov, A.M. Akhatov
Mechanisms of endothelium and internal organs dysfunction associated with exposure to cobalt chloride (experimental study)
L.V. Gigolaeva1,2, A.G. Tibilov2
Method of determining of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in fish and fish products by the method of liquid chromatography
O.N. Timofeeva, I.S. Grinkevich, O.V. Shulyakovskaya
Prevention of cancer risk of workers of glass fibers manufacture
G.F. Mukhammadieva1, L.K. Karimova1, A.B. Bakirov1, V.A. Kaptsov2, N.A. Beygul1, Z.F. Gimaeva1, L.N. Mavrina1
Occupational risks for health of the workers of the chemical complex
E.T. Valeyeva1, A.B. Bakirov1, V.A. Kaptsov2, L.K. Karimova1, Z.F. Gimayeva1, R.R.Galimova1
Substantiation of optimum fill rate of the groups according to the sanitary and hygienic conditions of preschool educational institutions and risks of violations of children's health
V.N. Rakitskiy1, O.Ju. Ustinova2,3, S.L. Valina2
Occupational stress as a result shift system of work as a risk factor for health problems of workers
I.V. Bukhtiyarov, M.Yu. Rubtsov, O.I. Yushkova