Provision of food safety and consumer rights protection in the Eurasian Economic Union law

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L.N. Osaulenko


Eurasian Economic Commission, 2 Letnikovskaya Str., bld. 1/2, Moscow, 115114, Russian Federation


International economic integration is a process of interaction between states that involves trans-border and barrier-free movement of products and services; it means gradual economic drawing together within a common (unified) market for consumer goods and services based on national legislation being harmonized and unified or similar regulation in specific spheres being created.

As the Eurasian integration is going on, it is important to provide and protect interests of consumers that naturally arise when administrative barriers are eliminated and goods and services flow more freely between the EAEU member states.
Our research object was a legal and regulatory base existing in the Eurasian Economic Union that regulates issues related to providing food products quality and safety and consumer rights protection.

Our research goal was to reveal what mechanisms for international cooperation and harmonization of national legislative standards existed in the EAEU countries in the sphere under consideration and to determine possible ways for their improvement.
As a result, we gave an overall characteristics for legal regulation in the sphere of providing food products safety in the Eurasian Economic Union as well as mechanisms for providing food products safety, both existing and being developed at the moment, that are based on risk assessment.

The analysis we performed allowed us to conclude that a system for providing food products safety that is being created now in the EAEU is a complex one and is aimed at providing safety of people's lives and health, at preventing consumer rights violation, and at informing about food-related health risks.

Creation of a system for food products safety is under way in the EAEU now, and it means that there are some precon-ditions for development of a global action program for the EAEU countries which will be aimed at consumer rights protection and providing high quality of products and services.

consumer rights protection, products safety, food products safety, risk assessment, the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Eurasian Economic Union
Osaulenko L.N. Provision of food safety and consumer rights protection in the Eurasian Economic Union law. Health Risk Analysis, 2018, no. 4, pp. 24–30. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2018.4.03.eng
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