Sanitary services in the perm region during the Great Patriotic war
V.A. Horoshavin, L.N. Akimova, O. Shutov
Federal Service in Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing in the Perm region, Russia, Perm, st. Kuibyshev, 50
The article is devoted to the history of the formation of the Medical Service of the (Molotov) region during the war. We describe the problems encountered sanitary doctors in the war years, the direction of the main measures to address these
problems. It is shown that the organizers of the health service – A.V. Kostina, V.A. Ryazanov, their colleagues have made every effort to prevent epidemics and save health of both local and evacuees. It is showed the role of volunteers, doctors of medical units at the plants, the Department of Health Medical Institute to improve the sanitary conditions in the region.
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