Alcohol consumption in a Russian metropolis: factors and risk groups

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I.V. Bogdan1, M.D. Gornostalev1, V.A. Kuzmenkov1, T.A. Potyaeva2, D.P. Chistyakova1


1Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Medical Management, 9 Sharikopodshipnikovskaya Str., Moscow, 115088, Russian Federation
2Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in Moscow, 14 Uspenskii Lane, bldg 1, Moscow, 127006, Russian Federation


In recent years, Russia has seen a considerable decrease in the number of consumers of alcoholic beverages. However, mortality from alcohol-related causes is still quite high. In the context of the Concept for lowering alcohol use in the Russian Federation up to 2030, it is promising to assess the risks of alcohol involvement of Muscovites as residents of a certain metropolitan region. The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristics of alcohol intake by Moscow residents, including factors and risk groups. An empirical sociological survey (CATI, randomized sample, N = 1002) was conducted in October 2022 among adult residents of Moscow. The study has showed that 78 % of Muscovites have consumed alcohol over the past year; the rate of heavy drinking is 14 % among male drinkers and 7 % among female drinkers, which is consistent with data from previous studies conducted on a nationwide sample. Also, 16 % of Muscovites note that they have consumed homemade alcohol over the past month, which means that they represent a potential risk group for poisoning. The study identified the structure of alcohol consumption, which served as the foundation for consumer classification: “bar type” (24 %), “homemade alcohol of various strengths” (21 %), “strong alcohol and homemade wine” (20 %), “wine” (18 %), "only vodka" (17 %). Alcohol abuse is uncommon among young individuals. Involvement in drinking alcohol is frequently influenced by relatives (including parents), colleagues and friends, highlighting the need to address alcoholism's social components. Respondents evaluate the current anti-alcohol measures in Moscow rather positively.

alcohol, alcoholization, anti-alcohol policy, abuse, Moscow, unregistered alcohol, mortality, reduction in alcohol consumption
Bogdan I.V., Gornostalev M.D., Kuzmenkov V.A., Potyaeva T.A., Chistyakova D.P. Alcohol consumption in a russian metropolis: factors and risk groups. Health Risk Analysis, 2023, no. 2, pp. 30–41. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2023.2.03.eng
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