Hygienic optimization of educational process at school involving massive use of electronic learning devices

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I.E. Aleksandrova


National Medical Research Center for Children's, 2 Bld., 1 Lomonosovskii Ave., Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation


Active use of electronic learning devices (ELD) in educational process increases its efficiency and makes knowledge more available to children; but at the same time it creates risks for schoolchildren’s health. Intense visual and information loads can result in schoolchildren being over-exhausted.
Our research goal was to give scientific grounds for hygienic optimization of education process (a typical class and a schedule) that would allow preventing apparent exhaustion in schoolchildren studying in a digital environment.
To solve the fixed tasks, we applied hygienic, physiological and statistical research techniques. We analyzed factors occurring in school environment and components in education process structure; we examined parameters of body functional state (BFS) on a sampling made up of more than 600 schoolchildren attending 5-9th grades, namely, parameters that characterized their mental and visual working abilities.
Results were statistically processed with parametric and non-parametric analysis techniques. Relative risks of unfavorable outcomes in body functional state were calculated as per evidence-based medicine principles depending on how education process was organized (a structure of a class and classes schedules).
We developed methodical approaches to hygienically rational organization of a class and schedule provided that school environment was optimal (microclimate, luminance, electromagnetic fields, furniture in rooms, etc.) and electronic learning devices were applied according to age-related regulations.
Research results proved that implementation of suggested approaches would make for favorable dynamics of children’s functional state as well as prevention of education-related diseases.

schoolchildren, digital environment, over-exhaustion, hygienic optimization, class, schedule, body functional state, prevention of education-related diseases
Aleksandrova I.E. Hygienic optimization of educational process at school involving massive use of electronic learning devices. Health Risk Analysis, 2020, no. 2, pp. 47–54. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2020.2.05
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