Risk factors that cause development and progression of degenerative and dystrophic diseases in the spinal column as per results obtained during screening tests on people living in Saint Petersburg
M.V. Avdeeva1, Yu.A. Kreneva2, V.P. Panov1,2, V.N. Filatov1, A.V. Mel'tser1, L.A. Karasaeva1
1I.I. Mechnikov's North-Western State Medical University of the RF Public Healthcare Ministry, 47 Piskarevskiy av., Saint Petersburg, 195067, Russian Federation
2 Municipal polyclinic No.14, 35 the 2nd Murinskiy av, Saint Petersburg, 194021, Russian Federation.
According to the WHO, degenerative-dystrophic diseases in the spinal column occur in 80% of overall population and account for up to 90% of all the chronic diseases cases. Data and methods. To assess prevalence of degenerative-dystrophic diseases in the spinal column among people living in Saint Petersburg, we performed screening tests on 5,797 people (their average age was 56.52 ± 18.39; body mass index was 26.78 ± 15.42 kg/m2; spine length was 443.30 ± 39.85 mm). Men accounted for 25.6% among the examined people (n=1,482); women, for 74.4% (n=4,315). All the participants underwent a complex examination; they were questioned (we applied a specially designed questionnaire made up of 124 questions); their spinal columns (3 sections in them) were x-rayed; we also accomplished computer optical topography with "DIERS Formetric 4D" device (Germany); the last stage was a consultation by a neurologist.
The prevalence of degenerative-dystrophic diseases in the spinal column amounts to 71.5% among people living in Saint Petersburg. We detected functional disorders in the spinal column in all the examined patients. Degenerative-dystrophic diseases in the spinal column can progress not only due to functional disorders in it but also under influence exerted by social and economic factors such as social status (b=0.43; р<0.01), age (b=0.18; р<0.01), occupational peculiarities (b=0.17; р<0.01), limited financial opportunities to preserve health (b=0,15; р<0,01). Personal and behavioral factors also exert their impacts on risks of degenerative-dystrophic diseases; such factors are rare appeal for medical aid (b=0.18; р<0.01), poor literacy of the population (b=0,17; р<0,01), self-treatment (b=0.14; р<0.01). Poor quality of medical health also causes elevated risks of degenerative-dystrophic diseases (b=0.18; р<0.01).
Most risk factors that influence development and progression of degenerative-dystrophic diseases in the spinal column are manageable (behavioral-personal factors, socioeconomic factors, quality and availability of medical aid). Timely examination, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients suffering from degenerative-dystrophic diseases are important spheres where quality and availability of primary medical and sanitary care can be improved.
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