Hemodynamics parameters as risk markers of potential diseases in the cardiouvascular system and their assessment in young men with different types of blood circulation self-regulation

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L.I. Grechkina


“Arctica” Scientific and Research Center, the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 24 Karla Marksa av., Magadan, 685000, Russian Federation


Functional state of the cardiovascular system is a basic criterion applied for assessing health and adaptive reactions of a human body; therefore, it seemed to be advisable to examine compensatory mechanisms of a human body under exposure to adverse external factors. Our research goal was to study functional parameters of cardiohemodynamics in young men depending on a type of blood circulation self-regulation. We examined 368 young male students born in the northern-eastern regions of Russia. Their average age was equal to 18.5±0.08. We measured basic anthropometric parameters of each young student, namely body height and body mass. Cardiohemodynamics parameters were determined in young male students at rest, in a sitting position, via volumetric compression oscillometry with a set of hardware and software complex for non-invasive research of the central hemodynamics ("Globus", Belgorod). Results. We analyzed distribution of individual TBS (type of blood circulation self-regulation) index values and revealed that 48.1 % young men had cardiac TBS; 35.9 %, cardiovascular TBS; and 16,0 %, vascular TBS. Young people with the vascular TBS tended to have the highest systolic and diastolic blood pressure, stroke volume, the most powerful left ventricular contraction and overall peripheral vessels contraction; on the contrary, young men with the cardiac TBS tended to have the lowest values of these parameters. Young men with the cardiovascular TBS were somewhere in between the two previously mentioned groups. But at the same time, such parameters as heart rate (HR), pulse wave velocity (PWV), and Kerdo vegetative index (KVI) were the highest in young men with the cardiac TBS; and the lowest ones, in young men with the vascular TBS. This research allows to assess risks of diseases in the cardiovascular system and diabetes in young men so that relevant preventive activities can be performed.

young men; functional parameters of cardiohemodynamics; types of blood circulation self-regulation; northern-eastern regions of Russia
Grechkina L.I. Hemodynamics parameters as risk markers of potential diseases in the cardiouvascular system and their assessment in young men with different types of blood circulation self-regulation. Health Risk Analysis, 2019, no. 1, pp. 118–124. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2019.1.13.eng
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