Food risks analysis and water safety

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Yu.A. Rakhmanin, R.I. Mikhailova


A.N. Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health, 10, build. 1, Pogodinskaya Str., Moscow, 119992, Russian Federation


Water in its native form or as a component of various food products is the greatest and most frequently consumed part of daily nutrition. Scientifically justified criteria of its quality include epidemiologic and radiation safety, chemical harmlessness, and favorable organoleptic (aesthetic) properties. Over recent years in Russia more than 91.5 % population, and more than 96% in cities, have access to drinking water that conforms to all safety requirements. However, about 4–5 % of water samples taken from centralized water supply systems are not safe as per epidemiologic criteria. A drastic growth in chemical contamination of surface drinking water sources is another great concern.

The authors focus on a modified procedure for detecting dextrose-positive bacteria that is, apart from being greatly in-formative, makes performance of sanitary-epidemiologic analysis much faster (approximately 1 day faster). It is confirmed that microbiologic control over blue pus bacilli occurrence is vital. The authors also show that when an internationally accepted term "mineral water" is divided into "mineral drinking curative water" and "mineral drinking curative and table water" accepted in Russia, it requires adjustment of some legal and regulatory documents and strict definition of parameters that are subject to control. It is recommended to develop regulatory and legal base so that it could promote manufacturing of bottled high quality water, including that for children nutrition.

Overall, the authors show that development of drinking water market as a part of food market in the country requires updating of regulatory and methodical base for control over water quality and safety; improved systems of monitoring over epidemiologic safety based on up-to-date examination procedures and tools; putting health risk assessment methodology into practice in relation to consumption of water with diverse qualitative and quantitative structure.

drinking water, microbiological control, epidemiologic safety, legal and regulatory base
Rakhmanin Yu.A., Mikhailova R.I. FOOD RISKS ANALYSIS AND WATER SAFETY. Health Risk Analysis, 2018, no. 4, pp. 31–42. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2018.4.04.eng
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