Risk analysis as a strategic sphere in providing food products safety

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A.Yu. Popova1, 2


1Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing, 18/5 and 7, Vadkovskiy pereulok, Moscow, 127994, Russian Federation
2Russian Medical Academy continuing professional education (Ministry of Health, Russian Federation), 2/1 Barrikadnaya Str., Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation


The paper dwells on basic issues related to providing food products safety with methodology of population health risk assessment and management under exposure to biological substances, chemicals, or hazardous physical factors of consumer goods. It is shown that Russia, just like many countries all over the world, is facing some global challenges now, in the beginning of the 21st century. These challenges are to be understood and estimated, and efficient measures are to be taken to overcome them. Among such challenges we can mention invention of new materials with poorly examined hygienic properties, increasing variety of technologies in food production, open borders for food products transferring etc.

Population in the Russian Federation is practically completely provided with access to sufficient quantities of food. However, there are still risks related to imbalanced nutrition and unsafe food products. Sanitary-epidemiologic surveillance is provided with a powerful and well-structured organization and functional system which allows to eliminate risks efficiently. Over 7000 sanitary-epidemiologic parameters of food products are subject to control and surveillance in the RF. More than 3000 standards are harmonized within the Eurasian Economic Union regulations. A lot of work is done on developing laboratory control over food products quality. Risk-oriented control over quality and safety of food products is implemented. New approaches to assessing risks related to food products are being developed. New techniques fully incorporate conventional principles of risk assessment and relevant toxicological and epidemiological data and allow to substantiate viewpoints that the Russian Federation has on issues related to hygienic standardization for some biological and chemical agents in food products. Procedures for analysis of new technologies are being developed actively.

There are some strategic areas in development of risk analysis methodology; they are creation of public information databases on food products quality and risks related to them; development of risk prediction procedures including genetic analysis techniques, mathematical modeling, medical and biological research; improved procedures for prediction of individual health risks with development of personified programs for prophylaxis of diseases; development of procedures for obtaining evidence of damage done due to health risk realization; creation of risk-oriented models for managing food products quality and creation of global information field for risk communications.

hazard factor, food products, sanitary-epidemiologic surveillance, health risk assessment, development strategy
Popova A.Yu. Risk analysis as a strategic sphere in providing food products safety. Health Risk Analysis, 2018, no. 4, pp. 4–12. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2018.4.01.eng
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