On determination of reference chloroform content in children's blood

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616.152.13-02: [613.31: 628.162.8]-0532-07

K.V. Chetverkina


Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, 82 Monastyrskaya Str., Perm, 614045, Russian Federation


The author showed that consumption of chlorinated drinking water from centralized water supply systems with chloroform concentration being equal to 0.49 mg/l caused unacceptable non-carcinogenic risk (HI being up to 3.13) of functional disorders in the liver, kidneys, central nervous system, hormonal system, as well as the circulatory system. Assessment of carcinogenic health risk born by children revealed that individual carcinogenic risk was equal to 1.64×10–5 under such concentration; this value corresponds to the upper limit of acceptable risk. Morbidity analysis revealed that children who consumed chlorinated drinking water from water supply systems suffered from pathologies in the nervous system, digestive organs, urogenital and endocrine systems authentically more frequently. The results coincided with those obtained in non-carcinogenic health risk assessment. Epidemiologic assessment of children morbidity revealed an authentic cause-and-effect relationship between oral exposure to chloroform introduced with drinking water and diseases in critical organs and systems (according to Guide Р. The calculations showed that if population consumed drinking water with chloroform, morbidity among then could possibly grow by 10.41 times against population who didn't consume chlorinated water. The author performed in-depth research on population health via examining changes in clinical and laboratory markers that described functional disorders in critical organs and systems caused by oral introduction of chloroform. Basing on the obtained data, the author modeled 34 mathematical relationships "chloroform contents in blood – clinical and laboratory marker of a response" and chose 3 most relevant models that reflected changes in clinical and laboratory markers in accordance with chloroform contents in blood. They were an increase in alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase which meant there were functional disorders in the liver, and a decrease in hemoglobin contents that was a sign of circulatory system disorders. Reference chloroform content in blood was fixed as per limiting hazard index principle and was equal to 0.0004 mg/dm3 that corresponded to aspartate aminotransferase marker and confirmed that the liver was a critical organ under oral introduction of chloroform.

chloroform, concentration, blood, drinking water, communal drinking water supply, children, reference level, critical organs, marker of exposure
Chetverkina K.V. On determination of reference chloroform content in children's blood. Health Risk Analysis, 2018, no. 3, pp. 85–93. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2018.3.09.eng
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