Irrational nutrition as populattion health risk factor in Irkutsk region

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I.G. Zhdanova-Zaplesvichko1,2


1Federal Service for Surveillance over Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being, Irkutsk Regional Office, 8 Karl Marks Str., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation
2Irkutsk State Medical Academy for Post-graduate Studies, a branch of Russian Medical Academy for Continuous Occupational Education, 100 Yubileyniy district, Irkutsk, 664049, Russian Federation


Insufficient and unsafe nutrition causes a lot of diseases. The article contains assessment of long-term (2006–2016) dynamics describing food products consumption by Irkutsk region population, and food substances contents in consumed food products. The author analyzed population morbidity in Irkutsk region in terms of basic alimentary-dependent diseases, groups of diseases, and specific nosologic forms, and compared it with average country and regional morbidity; she also assessed prevalence of "irrational nutrition" factor among adult population.

It was deleted that there was a deficiency in basic food products consumption by Irkutsk region population; basic food products were consumed in smaller quantities than in the country on average. Taken in dynamics over 2006–2012, consumption of proteins, fats, hydrocarbons, as well as caloric value of consumed food tended to grow. But then, taken in dynamics over 2012–2016, all these parameters decreased.

The author analyzed alimentary-dependent population morbidity in Irkutsk region over 2012–2016 and detected more negative trends in it in comparison with the average country levels. Morbidity with most analyzed categories and groups of diseases and specific alimentary-dependent diseases were higher in Irkutsk region than in the country on average. There were negative trends detected in dynamics of morbidity caused by such a risk factor as unhealthy nutrition (blood diseases; endocrine system diseases, including obesity; thyroid gland diseases; thyrotoxicosis; diseases related to increased blood pressure; digestive organs diseases).

population nutrition, basic food substances, caloric value, alimentary-dependent morbidity, diseases categories, nosologic forms, irrational nutrition
Zhdanova-Zaplesvichko I.G. Irrational nutrition as populattion health risk factor in Irkutsk region. Health Risk Analysis, 2018, no. 2, pp. 23–32. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2018.2.03.eng
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