High risks of somatic pathology in women with chronic endometritis

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E.G. Kobaidze, M.M. Padrul


Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Wagner, 26 Petropavlovskaya Str., Perm, 614000, Russian Federation


As women fertility is obviously decreasing at present, a number of people who, being at the reproductive age, suffer from various diseases is only growing and it is truly a vital issue. Chronic endometritis which is a problem in contemporary gynecology and reproductive performance studies may cause menstrual function disorders, anemia, and chronic pelvis pains syndrome. Our research goal was to assess risks of somatic pathology evolvement and life quality of women suffering from chronic endometritis. The focus group was made up of 42 patients at their fertile age who suffered from chronic endometritis (n=42); the reference group consisted of practically healthy females at the same age (n=33) who applied to a gynecologist in order to make a choice on a contraceptive.

We detected that women with chronic endometritis had somatic pathologies much more frequently that women from the reference group; such pathologies included chronic gastritis, functional disorders in the bowels, gall-bladder diseases, urinary system diseases, and chronic rhinopharyngitis (relative risks varied from 1.25 to 4.62; p<0.05). High somatic pathology parameters indicate there is a decrease in immunologic protection and non-specific reactivity to pathologic changes in molecular mechanisms involving tissue and cellular homeostasis disorders. Patients form the focus group had lower life quality, weaker endurance and greater fatigue, lower emotional and social activity.

When doctors of all specialities treat patients with chronic endometritis they are advised to apply health-restoring treatment at any stage when a patient applies for medical assistance (and not only when she is getting ready for a pregnancy). We highlight the necessity to create individual sets of pharmaceuticals, physiotherapy and balneal techniques, and diet therapy for basic metabolic processes recovery, antioxidant processes recovery, immunologic protection and non-specific reactivity improvement. It is also necessary to treat not only gynecological pathology, but also a concomitant somatic one.

reproductive age, chronic inflammatory pathology, somatic diseases, life quality, chronic endometritis, reproductive health
Kobaidze E.G., Padrul M.M. High risks of somatic pathology in women with chronic endometritis. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 4, pp. 57–65. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.4.06.eng
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