Analysis of legal and methodological grounds for risk-oriented surveillance over consumer products: tasks and development prospects in the Eurasian Economic Union

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N.V. Zaitseva1, I.V. May1, S.I. Sychik2, E.V. Fedorenko2, L.M. Shevchuk2


1Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, 82 Monastyrskaya Str., Perm, 614045, Russian Federation
2Scientific-practical Hygiene Center, 8 Akademicheskaya Str., Minsk, 220012, Republic of Belarus


The paper dwells on basic legal and sub-legislative documents issued in the EU, the USA, Canada, by the WTO and Codex Alimentarius Commission which provide control of consumer products safety on the basis of assessing risks for consumers' life and health. Risk-oriented surveillance is shown as a system which makes for lower loads on business but still provides systemic control over most hazardous products. The EU legislation fixes the right to perform supranational control over state control systems existing in the EU member states in terms of their relevance and legitimacy. This supranational control is supported by organizational structures and regulatory and methodological documents. National control systems are systematically reviewed and analyzed in order to secure their conformity to supranational regulatory acts, to detect any cases of non-compliance, and to spread the best practices. Risk analysis reviews and results are open and discussable. As a result of products hazards assessment their turnover can be limited, or they can be withdrawn from the market, or additional information on hazards or risks they may cause is to be provided for consumers. Public and constantly operating systems of informing about hazardous goods are well-developed. International experience and practices in the sphere of risk-oriented surveillance over consumer products can be and should be applied in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) countries.

The Eurasian Economic Union countries fix orientation at observing consumer goods safety principles in their legislation. There are also legal grounds for and practices in the sphere of risk-oriented approach to products manufactures. But it is necessary to further develop a products classification system as per consumer health risk parameters. And this task requires working out unified approaches to classification of both eatable and non-eatable products. It seems relevant to develop a public analytical database of risk-oriented control created with the use of the control and surveillance activities results obtained in the EEU countries. All the involved parties should more actively interact and exchange information on issues of products risks assessment as it is a vital component required for further development of the system.

consumer products, products risks assessment, risk-oriented surveillance, legislative basis, methodological approaches
Zaitseva N.V., May I.V., Sychik S.I., Fedorenko E.V., Shevchuk L.M. Analysis of legal and methodological grounds for risk-oriented surveillance over consumer products: tasks and development prospects in the Eurasian Economic Union. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 4, pp. 4–22. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.4.01.eng
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