On assessment of rospotrebnadzor surveillance and control activities efficiency in regions: assessment criteria being prevented economic losses caused by population morbidity and mortality and associated with negative impcats exerted by environmental factors

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D.A. Kiryanov1, M.Yu. Tsinker1, O.A. Istorik2, E.G. Stepanov3, N.Kh. Davletnurov3, V.M. Efremov4


1 Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, 82 Monastyrskaya Str., Perm, 614045, Russian Federation
2 Federal Service for Surceillance over Consumer Rights protection and Human Well-being, Leningrad region office, 27 Ol'minskogo Str., St. Petersburg, 192029, Russian Federation
3 Federal Service for Surceillance over Consumer Rights protection and Human Well-being, Bashkortostan Republic regional office, 58 R. Zorge Str., Ufa, 450054, Russian Federation
4 Federal Service for Surceillance over Consumer Rights protection and Human Well-being, Chelyabinsk region office, 73 El'kina Str., Chelyabinsk, 454092, Russian Federation.


The paper outlines the results of calculating actual and prevented economic losses caused by population mortality and morbidity and associated with negative impacts by environmental factors the prevention of which resulted from surveillance and control activities. Rospotrebnadzor bodies and organizations efficiency was assessed in Leningrad region, Bashkor-tostan, and Chelyabinsk region, and we give the results of this assessment. Not less than 25 environment parameters were examined in each region (air in rural and urban settlements, drinking water, soils in settlements); we examined population morbidity parameters both for children and adults in terms of death causes and morbidity as per 16 diseases categories (as per ICD-10); we also took not less than 20 features of surveillance and control activities. All regions had apparent and measurable risk factors for population health related to environment quality which didn't conform to hygienic requirements and standards. All risks caused additional deaths and diseases among children and adults. in 2015 additional mortality and morbidity cases associated with environmental factors caused economic losses of regional gross product in each region and they were equal to 1-2.5 billion rubles. Surveillance and control activities performed by the Federal Service for Surveillance over Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being helped to prevent deterioration of air, drinking water and soils in settlements. As a result, approximately 700 additional deaths and from 70 to 16 thousand additional diseases among chil-dren and adults were prevented in each region. Prevented economic losses in the examined regions varied from 1.0 billion rubles in Chelyabinsk region to 2.3 billion rubles in Bashkortostan. Economic efficiency of surveillance and control activi-ties in the sphere of providing sanitary and epidemiologic safety of the population varies from 18 to 27 rubles per 1 ruble of costs in the examined year.

Rospotrebnadzor, surveillance and control activities, population health, environment, efficiency, mortality indexes, losses of regional gross product
Kiryanov D.A., Tsinker M.Yu., Istorik O.A., Stepanov E.G., Davletnurov N.Kh., Efremov V.M. On assessment of rospotrebnadzor surveillance and control activities efficiency in regions: assessment criteria being prevented economic losses caused by population morbidity and mortality and associated with negative impcats exerted by environmental factors. Health risk analysis, 2017, no. 3, pp. 12–20. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.3.02.eng
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