Examination of social and psychological factors casuing occupational stress in labor migrants

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M. Khodzhiev, N.F. Izmerov , I.V. Bukhtiyarov


Izmerov's Research Institute of Occupational Health, 31 Budennogo avenue, Moscow, 105275, Russian Federation


We examined significance which social and psychological factors had in occupational stress evolvement in labor migrants who came to Moscow and Moscow region from Central Asia republics. A separate issue was sexual harassment occurrence which female migrants and Moscow region females faced. Psychological tension, i.e. occupational stress, is a contemporary danger in non-conventional working process (labor migration) and it attracts attention of occupational medicine experts. We determined that there were some social and psychological reasons for occupational stress, such as dissatisfaction with work, low level of integration in working teams, poor living conditions. As per questioning results we revealed single harassment cases (3-5%) and their number was the same both for female migrants and for females from Moscow region. Neuro-emotional labor intensity category amounted to 3.3-3.2 for millwrights, subways builders, steelmen, and road construction workers; it amounted to 3.1 for other workers; as for female migrants employed in social sphere, their work category was 3.2. The follow-ing physiological and psychological peculiarities characterize people with low working adaptation as per criteria of great occu-pational stress evolvement probability: low attention level, slow visual signals perception, prevalence of high systolic and dia-stolic blood pressure as a sign of arterial hypertension evolvement. Functional state of labor migrants mostly corresponds to "working strain of 1st and 2nd degree" and "overstrain". Staging in occupational stress evolvement in labor migrants is deter-mined by level of labor neuro-emotional intensity.

It seems vital to provide social and psychological support for labor migrants which can include improvements in occupa-tional training, informing workers on health risks occurring at their working places, training on safe working practices, devel-opment of occupational selection culture, organization of rational work and rest regime, providing social support for workers.

labor migrants, social and psychological factors, occupational stress, neuro-emotional labor intensity
Khodzhiev M., Izmerov N.F., Bukhtiyarov I.V. Examination of social and psychological factors casuing occupational stress in labor migrants. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 3, pp. 109–117. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.3.13.eng
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