Risk of dust bronchopulmonary pathology development in workers employed in various economic brunches under impacts exerted by occupational risk factors: clinical and hygienic aspects

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A.B. Bakirov1, S.R. Mingazova1, L.K. Karimova1, P.V. Serebryakov2, G.F. Mukhammadieva1


1 Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology, 94 Stepana Kuvykina Str., Ufa, 450106, Russian Federation
2 F.F. Erisman Federal Scientific Centre of Hygiene, 2 Semashko Str., Myitishchi, Moscow Region, 141014, Russian Federation


We performed complex clinical and hygienic research on 234 workers suffering from occupational bronchitis; they were employed in petrochemical industry, mining, civil engineering, as well as in construction. Group of workers with occu-pational diseases comprised hose suffering from dust bronchitis and toxic-dust bronchitis. Workers employed in the exam-ined branches had to work under exposure to production aerosols with complex structure and they working conditions had 3.2–3.4 hazard degree. We showed that occupational factors exerted negative influence on workers' health as they caused occupational bronchitis development, grave complications, and frequent associated diseases evolvement. The paper dwells on the results of our research on lipid peroxidation products content in workers exposed to production aerosols. We detected increased activity of free radical oxidation caused by impacts exerted by production aerosols; here we revealed that growth in lipid peroxidation products depended on duration of work under hazardous conditions. We set a goal to detect correlation between polymorph gene types of xenobiotics transformation enzymes and occupational bronchitis evolvement via poly-merase chain reaction technique; to achieve this, we analyzed polymorphic locuses in a group of sick workers (131 people) and healthy ones (156 people). We determined genetic markers which had protective significance in terms of occupational bronchitis evolvement risk. The research results prove that occupational bronchitis nature and peculiarities of its clinic pic-ture are determined both by occupational impacts and individual features of a worker' s body.

working conditions, risk factors, production aerosols, workers, occupational bronchitis, health state, health parameters, xenobiotics transformation genes
Bakirov A.B., Mingazova S.R., Karimova L.K., Serebryakov P.V., Mukhammadieva G.F. Risk of dust bronchopulmonary pathology development in workers employed in various economic brunches under impacts exerted by occupational risk factors: clinical and hygienic aspects. Health risk Analysis, 2017, no. 3, pp. 83–91. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.3.10.eng
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