Contraceptive behavior as risk factor for reproductive health of junior students attending a medical university

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T.N. Govyazina, Yu.A. Utochkin


Perm State Medical University named after Academician E.A. Wagner, 26 Petropavlovskaya Str., Perm, 614000, Russian Federation


1–3 year students attending medical and preventive faculty of a medical university were our research object. Our research had many stages, and at the first one our goal was to examine and to assess basic behavioral risks for reproductive health of students attending medical and preventive faculty of a medical university. We conducted a sociological examination via questioning. 428 students were questioned as per materials collecting program which included 74 parameters; they accounted for 91.6 % out of the overall official number of students, 45.0 % male students and 40.0 % female students combined work and studies.

We detected that, as per questioning results, the specific weight of students who took care of their health amounted to 79.2 % boys and 95.2 % girls. However, the students tended to have bad habits, i.e. constant alcohol intake or smoking. And although information on diseases prevention and on how to pursue healthy lifestyle was perfectly available to them, students didn't try to use it and preserve their health. All the respondents said they were against abortion. Girls were likely to adopt a complex approach when choosing a contraceptive, they resorted to hormonal agents, and, with their partners' consent, to condoms. But they often took hormonal agents without any consultations with a gynecologist or an endocrinologist. Contraceptives were rather rarely applied, and students appeared to have no knowledge on risk factors causing reproductive health deterioration. They also tended to be negligent and too self-confident when it came to reproductive health protection. A risk of abortions was very high for girls who didn't use contraceptives, and also all students ran rather high risk of catching sexual diseases.

Sexual education is needed to correct contraceptive behavior; medical workers are a main source of information on reproductive health of young people in 7–10 % cases only. We need to create interactive educational programs on health protection at university level and to involve specialists from health centers and antenatal clinics to participate in them.

health self-assessment, students, behavioral risk factors, contraceptive behavior, healthy lifestyle, medical activity, organization of specialized medical aid, prevention, reproductive health protection program, management
Govyazina T.N., Utochkin Yu.A. Contraceptive behavior as risk factor for reproductive health of junior stu-dents attending a medical university. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 2, pp. 88–95. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.2.09.eng
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