Personnel policy in healthcare: risks and solutions

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E.Ya. Titova


Perm State Medical University named after E.A. Wagner, 26 Petropavlovskaya Str., Perm, 614000, Russian Federation


We studied the dynamics of Perm region population provision with medical personnel over 2006-2015 basing on the official statistics data; the parameter was compared with the average level in the Russian Federation. We detected that provision of Perm region population with physicians and paramedics was higher than average Russian level in the stated period; however, a negative dynamics in parameters occurred and there is still personnel deficiency. A doctors-paramedics ratio improved a bit but it was still lower than in the RF on average and lower than the recommended level.

Staffing of physicians' jobs with people decreased a bit in the examined period while staffing of paramedics' jobs, on the contrary, grew up. Also there was a decrease in a number of physicians and paramedics' who combined jobs. Specific weight of certified medical staff was higher in Perm region than in the country on average. Changes which occurred in medical staff distribution as per categories prove that the share of senior age groups increased both among physicians and paramedics. There is a disproportion in provision with physicians and paramedics in terms of various territories in Perm region, and it requires systemic targeted activities of all concerned structures. A system of admission to medical HEEs and colleges needs to be reformed so that applicants could avoid making a mistake in their career choice; it is also necessary to work out a set of measures aimed at raising prestige of a physician' and paramedic's job as well as pay greater attention to social security of medical staff.

availability and quality of medical aid, personnel policy, provision with doctors, provision with nurses, staffing, combining jobs, trend, disproportion in distribution, prestige of a physician' and paramedic's job, social security
Titova E.Ya. Personnel policy in healthcare: risks and solutions. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 1, pp. 125–131. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.1.14.eng
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