Risk factors causing evolvement of alimentary-dependent diseases in specific groups of workers employed at metallurgy production and prevention meausres development

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Yu.V. Danilova1, D.V. Turchaninov2, V.M. Efremov3


1 South-Urals State Medical University, 64 Vorovskogo Str., Chelyabinsk, 454092, Russian Federation
2 Omsk State Medical University Russian Ministry of Health, 12 Lenin Str., Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation
3 Administration of the Federal Supervision Service for Consumer’s Rishts Profection and Human Welfare in the Chelyabinsk region, 73 Elkina Str., Chelyabinsk, 454092, Russian Federation


The article gives the results of hygienic and epidemiologic research of morbidity, nutrition structure, food stuffs safety, working conditions, and actual nutrition of workers employed at metallurgy productions. The research was carried out at "Magnitogorskiy metallurgy plant" PLC. 1208 steel workers and founders made up the main group. Average age of research participants amounted to 40.0 ± 0.75. The sampling was representative. We studied actual nutrition over 2010–2015 via analyzing food consumption frequency and applying extended base of food stuffs chemical structure and analyzing menus with lists of dishes offered for an organized group nutrition. We assessed both qualitative and quantitative parameters, including consumption of basic nutrients, energy, irreplaceable amino acids, lipids, vitamins, dietary fiber, essential and conditionally essential microbiological elements (60 nutrients totally, allowing for losses on a product peeling, edible contents, and other losses occurring at various treatments during cooking). We also assessed nutrition regime and other nutrition features. We detected that ratio between proteins, fats and carbohydrates was the evidence of mostly fat nutrition type. Workers were found to consume insufficient quantity of certain vitamins (A, D, and folic acid) and biological elements (calcium), but they instead consumed excessive quantities of saturated fats and common salt. It is shown that actual nutrition of specific workers' groups at metallurgy production is not rational, imbalanced, and doesn't satisfy body needs causing risks of nutrition state shifts and alimentary-dependent diseases evolvement. Alimentary-dependent diseases on average amounted to 21.6 % in the total morbidity structure in 2010–2015. 10.0 % of all diseases with temporary working disability are diseases determined by mostly nutrition factor. Epidemiologic analysis of morbidity comprising diseases related to non-rational nutrition enabled us to determine priority nosologies, risk groups and risk factors.

We have the grounds for hygienic recommendations aimed at correcting nutrition structure depending on detected deviations.

actual nutrition, working conditions, nutrition state, metallurgy production, risk factors, prevention, nutrition hygiene, alimentary-dependent diseases, preventive nutrition
Danilova Yu.V., Turchaninov D.V., Efremov V.M. Risk factors causing evolvement of alimentary-dependent diseases in specific groups of workers employed at metallurgy production and prevention meausres development. Health Risk Analysis, 2017, no. 1, pp. 91–97. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2017.1.10.eng
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