Estimation of risk to health of the population of mining territories of bashkortostan connected with quality of drinking water supply

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R.A. Suleimanov, A.B. Bakirov, T.K. Valeev, N.R. Rakhmatullin, Z.B. Baktybaeva, R.A. Daukaev, N.N. Egorova


Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology, 94 Stepana Kuvykina Str., Ufa, 450106, Russian Federation


The ecology-hygienic problems connected with quality of drinking water supply of the settlements, located on territories with the developed mining industry are considered in this article.

Poor quality of drinking water represents risk to health of the population and, according to the WHO’s data, it provides the risk of occurrence of those or other diseases on 7 %. The mining enterprises are significant sources of pollution of objects of environment, including underground water horizons as their activity is interfaced to formation of great volumes of the waste containing zinc, copper, arsenic, lead, manganese, cadmium, mercury, chrome, etc. Morbidity of the population living in regions with the developed mining industry, is raised on the number of classes of illnesses and separate nosologies (illnesses of cardiocirculatory system, urinogenital system, organs of digestion, etc.).

The purpose of this research was carrying out of an estimation of quality of sources of drinking water supply and definition of an existing risk level to health of the population of mining territories with the subsequent development of hygienic recommendations and actions on optimization of conditions of water use. Hygienic researches are lead in settlements of mining territories of Republic Bashkortostan. Thirty settlements with the population of more than 200 thousand people were included into this research. The special attention was given to non-centralized sources of water supply (chinks, wells, springs) of mining territories used by inhabitants for the domestic and drinking purposes. It is established, that the qualitative structure of drinking water of investigated territories is characterized by the raised rigidity, the high concentration of iron, nitrates, chrome, cadmium. In separate territories of investigated region the unacceptable level of total olfactory risk, connected with the high concentration of iron and the raised rigidity of drinking water was revealed. Parameters of not cancerogenic risk, define high probability of development of a pathology from cardiovascular system, system of blood. The calculated levels of cancerogenic risks are estimated as unacceptable, testifying about existence of potential health hazard of the population.

the mining territories, not centralized water supply, quality of drinking water, hygienic researches, risk to health of the population, a level of cancerogenic and not cancerogenic danger, parameters of disease, priority polluting substances
Suleimanov R.A., Bakirov A.B., Valeev T.K., Rakhmatullin N.R., Baktybaeva Z.B., Daukaev R.A., Egorova N.N. Estimation of risk to health of the population of mining territories of Bashkortostan connected with quality of drinking water supply. Health Risk Analysis, 2016, no. 4, pp. 64–71. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2016.4.08.eng
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