Adaptation of the migrant worker’s body to the occupational risk factors from the position of functional system of P.K. Anokhin

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М. Khodzhiev, L.V. Prokopenko, N.P. Golovkova, G.I.Tikhonova, M.A. Fesenko


Research Institute of Occupational Health, 31 Budennov Prospekt, Moscow, 105275, Russian Federation


The adverse factors of labor process of migrants were studied as the factors of risk of formation of unsatisfactory adaptation and damage to health. The results of the study of adaptation of migrants to the labor process from the standpoint of the theory of functional systems were presented. The first subsystem of physical activities and neuro-emotional tension of labor determines the formation of certain stages of the adaptation process in terms of heart rate variability (the second sub-system). The result of migrant workers’ sympathetic chain of regulation’s activity level shows that the adaptive stress syndrome on the physiological indicators is expressed in a change of heart rate variability: different levels of stress index of SI associated with high physical (muscle), neuro-emotional stresses; marked increase in the power of spectrum of very low-frequency component (VLF), while the increase in heart rate. The features of the functional state of the body and the degree of adaptation in terms of activity of regulatory systems – PARS (optimal 1.19 ± 0.28; allowable stress 40.5 ± 0.62; overvoltage 6.21 ± 0.82 points) were determined. On the basis of the production studies of migrant workers, the approaches to quantitative evaluation to the degree of adaptation of workers to the labor process associated with the combined effects of physical, neural and emotional labor intensity on the human body were science-based and developed. The degree of stress adaptation process corresponds to the stage of self-control (optimum stress) activation (allowable stress), the mobilization of the 1st, 2nd, 3-th degree (degrees of over-stress of 1,2,3 degrees). Unfavorable stage of mobilization of 2–3 degrees of migrant workers was determined (an increase in the stress index S1, PARS indicator, the relative power of VLF range, a reduction in the SDNN). Events of medical and social support represent the third sub-system in the general system theory.

migrant workers, adaptation, system approach, muscular load, neural and emotional kind of work, healthy lifestyle
Khodzhiev М., Prokopenko L.V., Golovkova N.P., Tikhonova G.I., Fesenko M.A. Adaptation of the migrant worker’s body to the occupational risk factors from the position of functional system of P.K. Anokhin. Health Risk Analysis, 2016, no. 4, pp. 107–118. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2016.4.12.eng
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