Evaluation of carcinogenic risk to public health of the republic of Khakassia associated with consumption of drinking water
E.A. Pivovarova, N.Yu. Shibanova
SBEI HE “Kemerovo State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation”, 22a Voroshilova St., Kemerovo, 650029, Russian Federation
During the observation period for 2011–2015 in the Republic of Khakassia it has been revealed that 63.2 % of samples of drinking water contain the excess of А α due to natural radionuclides 234 U, 238 U. Within the limits of MPC the carcinogenic hazardous substances: cadmium, lead, arsenic, beryllium, chromium have been detected.
Individual risks of occurrence of stochastic effects in the form of malignant tumors, caused by natural radionuclides in drinking water in different administrative territories of the Republic, vary in the range of 3.14–7.81•10 –6 cases/year; collective risks 0.013–0.288 cases/year on the corresponding amount of population. Individual cancer risks are determined by the content of carcinogenic chemicals in drinking water, in different administrative territories of the Republic it varies in the range between 5.29•10 –5 – 1.04•10 –4 cases/year; collective risks of 0.88–2.704 event/year on the corresponding amount of population.
The total population carcinogenic risks caused by content of carcinogenic chemicals and PRN in drinking water, for the period of observation were as follows: Altaisky (2.903 at 26.000 of population), Beysky (1.123 at 18.500 of population), Bogradsky (0,98 at 15,000 of population), Shirinsky (2.63 at 27100 of population), Ordzhonikidzevsky (1.178 at 11900 of population), and Ust-Abakansky (2.79 at 41100 of population).
The contribution of drinking water into primary ontological morbidity of population in administrative territories of the Republic was equaled to 0.5–1 %. Therefore, currently, the events aimed at reducing the carcinogenic risks caused by drinking water are not required. At the same time, due to the high seismic activity in the Republic for the last five years, the laboratory monitoring of drinking water on indicators of radiation safety and the evaluation of the carcinogenic risks continues in the prescribed amount.
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