Hygienic assessment of drinking water quality and risks to public health in Krasnoyarsk region

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D.V. Goryaev, I.V. Tikhonova, N.N. Torotenkova


Administration of the Federal Supervision Service for Consumer's Rights Protection and Human Welfare in the Krasnoyarsk Region, 21 Karatanova St., Krasnoyarsk, 660049, Russian Federation


The article presents the hygienic assessment of water quality in water sources of the Krasnoyarsk region used for centralized drinking water supply. It is shown that the exceeding of hygienic standards was registered at such indicators as iron (iron content is noted at the level to 1.8 mg/dm 3 or 6 MPC); fluorine (up to 6 MPC); ammonia and ammonium nitrogen (up to 2 MPC), nitrates (up to 5 MPC), organochlorine compounds (chloroform, carbon tetrachloride up to 5 MPC), manganese (up to 5.5 MPC), aluminium (up to 2 MPC). In water carcinogenic contaminants are recorded in significant concentrations: benzo(a)pyrene, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, lead. It is determined that the total lifetime carcinogenic risk to public health in the cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk region due to oral intake from drinking water of chemicals of carcinogenic nature is negligible in 22 areas, and requires no additional measures to reduce. 23 territories of the region have carcinogenic risk ranged 1.0E-6 to 1.0E-5, which meets the criteria of acceptable risk. 9 territories (the town of Borodino, Lesosibirsk, Yeniseisk, Kazachinskiy, Partizansky, Pirovskiy, Rybinskiy, Sayanskiy, Uyarskiy areas) show the level of lifetime individual cancer risk from 1.0E-5 to 2.0E-4, which is unacceptable for the population in general. The main contribution to the risk level (80.8–98.4 %) makes the contents of arsenic in the drinking water. There is an increased risk of district (NI=1.2 and NI=1.17, respectively); bone and teeth from residents of the Sukhobuzimsky district (NI=1.04). High hazard indexes due to the nitrate and fluoride. Providing the population of urban districts and municipal districts of the Krasnoyarsk region with safe drinking water requires a set of various measures with the development and implementation of programs on improvement of water supply of populated areas.

hygienic assessment, drinking water quality, population health, health risks, organochlorine compounds, nitrate and fluoride, sanitary and epidemiological welfare
Goryaev D.V., Tikhonova I.V., Torotenkova N.N. Hygienic assessment of drinking water quality and risks to public health in Krasnoyarsk region. Health Risk Analysis. 2016, no. 3, pp. 35–43. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2016.3.04.eng
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