Occupational stress as a result shift system of work as a risk factor for health problems of workers

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I.V. Bukhtiyarov, M.Yu. Rubtsov, O.I. Yushkova


FSBSI “Scientific Research Institute of Occupational Health”, 31 prospe с t Budennogo, Moscow, 105275, Russian Federation


On the basis of analysis of modern domestic and foreign publications the risks of occupational stress as a result of shift work in different professional groups has been considered. Brief description of shift work of different forms in various countries and possible role in the deterioration of work quality are presented. The bidirectional relationship between sleep disorders and work-related psychosocial risks was identified (including work style, high requirements and low level control, duration of working hours and shift work and imbalance between work and remuneration). It is shown that desynchronosis in conditions of shift mode of work, especially with rotation of shifts, has a negative stress effect on physical and mental health, and may lead to increased risks of obstructive sleep apnea, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, mental health and nervous system disorders, and even certain forms of cancer. A brief analysis of the data of increased health risks of different professional groups, including the security forces, doctors and nurses, railway workers, etc. was done. The dependence of the development of pathological changes on the shift work experience with rotating shifts was noted. Presented data show the potential risk of shift work, especially with shift rotation, for health and longevity. Legislative regulation improvement is necessary for decreasing of potential danger of shift work to health of workers.

occupational stress, shift work, desynchronizes, obstructive sleep apnea, health risks
Bukhtiyarov I.V., Rubtsov M.Yu., Yushkova O.I. Occupational stress as a result shift system of work as a risk factor for health problems of workers. Health Risk Analysis. 2016, no. 3, pp. 110–121. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2016.3.12.eng
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