Modeling of health risk factors affecting the sportsmen and young males who are not involved in sports activities

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T.M. Lyuboshenko, I.P. Flyanku


FSEI HE «Siberian state University of physical culture and sports», 144 Maslennikov St., Omsk, 644009, Russian Federation


The purpose of this study was to develop and implement the risk assessment method for detection of health deterioration in sports high school students. To evaluate the health status of the students, the questionnaires and the method for express physical health evaluation by G.L. Apanasenko was used. Sampling size comprised 250 young males students from 2–3 courses of various faculties. To identify the correlation between the physical health level and the indicators of psychosomatic syndromes, the correlation analysis has been used. It was established, that the safety level of the somatic health belonged to more than a halve of the students engaged in sport and to a third part of the students, that are not engaged in sport. The critical level of the physical status was registered with equal frequency in both groups. The low physical health level was detected 3.7 times frequently in the students who were not engaged in sports activities in comparison to the sportsmen. Basing on the data, obtained by the "decision tree" method, the models of health deteriorations’ risk in young males, engaged and not engaged in sport, have been built. The application of these models allow performing preclinical diagnosis and health monitoring without special equipment. The advantage of the offered method is its speed and the possibility to survey large numbers of contingents of various ages.

students of sports high school, young males involved and not involved in sports, model of health deterioration risk, questionnaires, a method of risk assessment of health problems, "decision tree" method, preclinical diagnosis and health monitoring
Lyuboshenko T.M., Flyanku I.P. Modeling of health risk factors affecting the sportsmen and young males who are not involved in sports activities. Health Risk Analysis, 2016, no. 2, pp. 19–27. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2016.2.03.eng
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