To estimation of health risks of workers during classification of objects of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and planning of state control (by the example of Moscow)

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E.E. Andreeva


Administration of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in Moscow, 4/9 Grafsky Pereulok, Moscow, 129626, Russian Federation


When estimating of health risks of workers for planning tasks of audits of compliance with health legislation on facilities of Moscow, it is found that most often non-compliances with requirements for working conditions are registered in industrial enterprises, among other, on wood-shaving material production facilities; air and water transport facilities, and in a number of communication facilities. The most serious consequences of breach of statutory requirements for working conditions are typical for activity in the sphere of motor transport and industrial production. It is defined by the structure of the types of deterioration of health among which there are traumas, diseases of a cardiovascular and nervous system. Analysis of more than 35.5 thousand facilities of sanitary and epidemiological supervision showed that the highest levels of health risks for workers are formed on industrial facilities (the risks are classified as “average”, “significant” and “high”), in construction («significant» or «moderate»), on a number of manufacturing activities and in energy engineering. For the mentioned facilities the risks to workers can define the main class of an object based on the risk of infliction of harm, in general, the audits must be based on profound analysis of working conditions and include a complete complex of laboratory researches. When checking of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, carrying out such kinds of activity as chain retailing, provision of services health care, education, etc., the highest risks are formed for consumers of goods and services. On these facilities the control in the sphere of occupational hygiene can occupy a smaller share in a total volume of a scheduled activity. Relevant direction of further perfection of the risk-based surveillance is formation of an exhaustive list of the statutory requirements for working conditions with differentiation of these requirements on levels of severity of negative consequences of their non-compliance.

risk-based surveillance, occupational hygiene, types of activity, occupational diseases, industrial facilities, Moscow
Andreeva E.E.TO Estimation of health risks of workers during classification of objects of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and planning of audits (by the example of Moscow). Health Risk Analysis, 2016, no. 2, pp. 84–92. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2016.2.10.eng
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