Classification’s features of objects of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance by risk of causing the damage to health of the metropolis’ population

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E.E. Andreeva


Federal Service Administration in Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare in Moscow, 4/9, Grafsky Pereulok, Moscow, 129626, Russia


As part of the adaptation of methodological approaches to the development of risk-based model of control and supervisory activities in such a big city as Moscow, it was found that a high density of population, a considerable mass of circulating consumer products, especially food products, large volumes of services rendered to the population by the specific legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, entail an increase of the risk of harm to the population by the individual economic entities and, accordingly, increase the class of object supervision compared with the class of similar objects in other areas. In the big city the proportion of objects that form the extremely high risks associated with the violation of the sanitary legislation is about 4 %, the proportion of high-risk sites – about 12 %, which is 2–2,5 times higher than the average for the Russian Federation. This entails an increase in labor costs for each inspection and, consequently, increases the burden on supervisory authorities. However, according to a study more than 20 % of all objects of the capital city to be supervised form low population health risks for the citizens and can be removed from under routine surveillance. To this group, as a result of the classification, the medium-sized enterprises were ranked. In general, the use of risk-based model of control and supervisory activities in the densely populated industrial and commercial city, such as Moscow, provides significantly greater targeting and the effectiveness of the protection of life and health of the population of the metropolis.

risk-based supervision, classification of objects, metropolis, planning
Andreeva E.E. Classification’s features of objects of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance by risk of causing the damage to health of the metropolis’ population. Health Risk Analysis, 2016, no. 1, pp.87-95. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2016.1.10.eng
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