Individual risk assessment of metabolic disorders in children at exposure to chloroform in drinking water

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K.P. Luzhetskiy 1,2 , P.Z. Shur 1,2 , О.Yu. Ustinova 1,2 , О.V. Dolgikh 1,2 , D.А. Kiryanov 1,2 , V.М. Chigvintsev 1


1 FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”, Russian Federation, Perm, 82 Monastyrskaya St., 614045
2 FSBEI “Perm State National Research University”, Russian Federation, Perm, 15 Bukireva St., 614990


The article provides an individual risk assessment of metabolic disorders in the child population, consuming drinking water with elevated levels of chloroform. Contingents of children threatened by the development of metabolic disorders are revealed, with a variation of the serotonin receptor gene AG (HTR2A), with increased susceptibility to oral exposure to environmental organochlorines. It was found that children with the gene variation AG HTR2A have the content of serotonin functionally associated with this gene variation reduced by 1.3 times in the blood serum, relative to the comparison group. Individual risk of adverse effects (metabolic abnormalities: excess food and obesity E66.0 E67.8) in these persons is higher (1.32•10 -4 and 1.12•10 -4 , respectively) than in the general population, living in the exposure to chloroform (HQ 1.72).

individual risk, metabolic polymorphisms of candidate genes, excess body weight, obesity, chloroform
Luzhetskiy K.P., Shur P.Z., Ustinova О.Yu. , Dolgikh О.V., Kiryanov D.А., Chigvintsev V.М. Individual risk assessment of metabolic disorders in children at exposure to chloroform in drinking water. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 4, pp. 28-35. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.4.04.eng
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