Occupational risk communication in industrial enterprises (analysis on the example of Perm Region)

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E.B. Plotnikova1, A.O. Barg2, Y.S. Markova1


1 FSBEI HPE “Perm State National Research University", Russian Federation, Perm, 15 Bukireva St., 614990
2 FBSI "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk ", Russian Federation, Perm, 82 Monastyrskaya St., 614045


The article presents an analysis of the occupational risks communication in industrial enterprises of Perm Region. According to the results of sociological research three models of dissemination of information on the health risks at industrial enterprises (limited parity; paternalistic; formal) have been distinguished. Each one differs in the degree of involvement of employees in the process, used channels and forms of risk communication. It is concluded that these models are not of the nature of communicative dialogue. They are characterized by the dominant of the formal channels, the limited information provided about the risks, the low degree of involvement of workers in the discussion of sources, levels and ways to reduce health risks. On the basis of data typing and evaluation of existing models the transition to interactive occupational risk communication model was grounded. The interactive model is capable to improve the efficiency of the employee health management at industrial enterprises.

occupational risks, communication
Plotnikova E.B., Barg A.O., Markova Y.S. Occupational risk communication in industrial enterprises (analysis on the example of Perm Region). Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 4, pp. 97-104
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