The features of life quality of teenagers who are trained in educational institutions of Pskov city

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Е.А. Alekseeva


Administration of the Federal Supervision Service for Consumer's Rights Protection and Human Welfare in Pskov region, Russian Federation, Pskov, 21 a, Gogolia St., 180000


The comparative analysis of indicators of life quality of the secondary school students and pupils of the establishments of primary professional education on the basis of questioning of 382 teenagers of Pskov (206 teenagers of 14 - 18 years which study in 9–11 forms of comprehensive schools, and 176 teenagers of the same age who study in establishments of primary professional education) is carried out. After data processing the indicators of life quality which are an integrated assessment of wellbeing of the person, the physical, psychological and social health, were received. Considerable distinctions in indicators of the life quality of the pupils and the pupils of the establishments of primary professional education that informs about lower standard of living of the last, irrespective of presence or lack of work experience, have been revealed. The PF indicator in school students is 1.19 times higher, than a similar indicator of pupils of primary professional education establishments.

: life quality, secondary school students, pupils of the establishments of primary professional education, teenagers, seniors, physical and psychological health, non-learning employment, working teenagers
Alekseeva Е.А. The features of life quality of teenagers who are trained in educational institutions of Pskov city. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 4, pp. 91-96. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.4.11.eng
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