Hygienic assessment of impact on public health air pollution in view of the combined actions of chemicals in the area of the chemical industry

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L.M. Shevchuk1, N.A. Tolkacheva2, A.E. Pshegroda1, I.P. Semenov2


1 Republican Unitary Enterprise “Scientific and Practical Center of Hygiene”, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 8 Akademicheskaya St., 220012
1 EI “Belarusian State Medical University”, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 83 Dzerzhinsky Pr., 220016


The article presents the results of air pollution study in the area of chemical industry. The results of evaluating possible impact of chemical pollution on the population health are reflected by the parameter values: complex indicator “R” public health risk (reflexive, chronic, and combined risk at the reflexive and chronic action), hazard index and combined action coefficient. The comparative characteristic of the received data is provided by the degree of air pollution during the evaluation, taking into account the combined effect of chemicals and during the evaluation without the combined action of chemicals. The possibility of using the results to predict the changes in the population health status and to plan epidemiological studies is determined.

atmosphere chemical pollution, combined action of chemicals, combined risk of chemicals, combined action coefficient
Shevchuk L.M., Tolkacheva N.A., Pshegroda A.E., Semenov I.P. Hygienic assessment of impact on public health air pollution in view of the combined actions of chemicals in the area of the chemical industry. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 3, pp. 40-46. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.3.06.eng
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