Effect of the educational environment on children's health at preschool and school age in the Arkhangelsk region

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R.V. Buzinov1, E.A. Averina2, T.N. Unguryanu1


1 Directorate of the Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance in the Arkhangelsk Region, Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk, 24 Gaidara St., 163000
2 FBHI “Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Arkhangelsk Region”, Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk, Building 1, house 164, Troitsky Pr., 163001


The descriptive epidemiological study on the prevalence of “school” pathology in the child population and the influence of the conditions of educational environment in kindergartens and schools in the Arkhangelsk Region was performed. It was found that the main health problems detected during preventive medical examinations of the children and adolescents of school age are the violation of posture, scoliosis and impaired visual acuity. The highest frequency of posture disorders found in children in the transition to subject teaching, the intensity of scoliosis and impaired visual acuity are the most pronounced in the age group of 15 years. The association between measuring light levels, not meeting hygienic standards and the frequency of scoliosis in children before entering school is revealed (rs=0,472; p=0,048); between measurements of furniture, not meeting sanitary requirements in school computer classes and the violation of visual acuity in children of 10–11 years (rs=0,529; p=0,024); and between measurements of furniture, not meeting sanitary requirements in kindergartens and the violation of posture in children one year before admission and just before entering school (rs=0,601; p=0,008 and rs=0,90; p=0,037, respectively).

children of preschool and school age, medical examinations, incorrect posture, disturbance of visual acuity, educational environment, lighting, school furniture
Buzinov R.V. , Averina E.A., Unguryanu T.N. Effect of the educational environment on children's health at preschool and school age in the Arkhangelsk region. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 3, pp. 27-32. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.3.04.eng
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