Legal basis for risk analysis methodology while ensuring food safety in the Eurasian Economic union and the Republic of Belarus

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E.V. Fedorenko


RUE “Scientific and Practical Center of Hygiene”, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, 8 Akademicheskaya St., 220012


Health risk analysis methodology is an internationally recognized tool for ensuring food safety. Three main elements of risk analysis are risk assessment, risk management and risk communication to inform the interested parties on the risk, are legislated and implemented in the Eurasian Economic Union and the Republic of Belarus. There is a corresponding organizational and functional framework for the application of risk analysis methodology as in the justification of production safety indicators and the implementation of public health surveillance. Common methodological approaches and criteria for evaluating public health risk are determined, which are used in the development and application of food safety requirements. Risk assessment can be used in justifying the indicators of safety (contaminants, food additives), and evaluating the effectiveness of programs on enrichment of food with micronutrients.

risk analysis, risk assessment, health, legal and regulatory framework, food safety
Fedorenko E.V. Legal basis for risk analysis methodology while ensuring food safety in the Eurasian Economic union and the Republic of Belarus. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 3, pp. 13-18. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.3.02.eng
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