Hygenic estimation of the structure and level of the professional risk of main professions in production of railway coachs

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V.A. Synoda


SBEI HPE “Tver State Medical University” Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation, Tver, 4 Sovetskaya St., 170100


The article considers of results of hygenic estimation of the conditions of the labour, gravity and tension of the labor process in the main subdivisions production of railway coachs. The result of analysis is contains the estimation of qualifications of workers places, frequencies of the traumas and diseases of worker. The priority disadvantage production factors for the health risk of worker are determined. Individual professional risk for leading professions in production of railway coachs at periods is evaluated before and after of economical production principle is introducing.

risk assessment and management in occupational medicine
Synoda V.A. Hygenic estimation of the structure and level of the professional risk of main professions in production of railway coachs. Health Risk Analysis, 2015, no. 2, pp. 52-61. DOI: 10.21668/health.risk/2015.2.07.eng
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