Pathogenic patterns in cascade mechanism of gastroduodenitis diseases’ progress in children associated with drinking low quality water due to hyperchlorination and manganese content

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О.Yu. Ustinova1,2, K.P. Luzhetskiy1,2, O.A. Maklakova1,2, M.A. Zemlyanova1,2, O.V. Dolgikh1,2, T.S. Ulanova1


1 FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”, Russian Federation, Perm, 82, Monastyrskaya St., 614045
2 FSBEI HPE “Perm State National Research University”, Russian Federation, Perm, 15, Bukireva St., 614990


We have studied the pathogenic mechanisms of chronic gastroduodenitis diseases in children consuming low quality drinking water with high content of chlorine and manganese. It was established, that clinic manifestation of pathogenic process is coupled with parasympathetic vegetative dysfunctions reactive changes of hepatic tissues, biliary (hypokinetic) dysfunction, gastric and duodenum motor activity (hyperkinetic) disorder. Pathogenic patterns of chronic gastroduodenal diseases [Hp - ] in children, associated with products of hypochlorination (chloroform) and manganese exposure, predefine pathomorphism of pathologic process followed by atrophic/preatrophic changes of upper gastrointestinal mucosa.

chronic gastroduodenitis pathology, children, drinking water quality, products of hyperchlorination, manganese
Ustinova О.Yu., Luzhetskiy K.P., Maklakova O.A., Zemlyanova M.A., Dolgikh O.V., Ulanova T.S. Pathogenic patterns in cascade mechanism of gastroduodenitis diseases’ progress in children associated with drinking low quality water due to hyperchlorination and manganese content. Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 3, pp. 61-70
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