Multienvironmental carcinogenic risk for the validation the ways for its minimization in the city of Chelyabinsk

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N.N. Valeullina, A.G. Ural’shin, N.A. Brylina, E.V. Nikiforova, A.L. Beketov, G.Sh. Grechko


FBHI “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Chelyabinsk Region”, Russian Federatrion, Chelyabinsk, 147, Svobody St., 454091


To find out the reasons of high oncological morbidity in Chelyabinsk, we executed a multienvironmental carcinogenic risk assessment of active chemical substances in drinking water, food stuff, soil, ambient air (from the local emission sources). We have determined individual lifetime carcinogenic risk levels, which are evaluated as entirely unacceptable for the population (>1E-04). It is established, that the main contribution in total carcinogenic risk belongs to the food stuff and drinking water. The leading risk factors are 8 carcinogenic substances presenting in milk and milk products, vegetable and vegetable products, cereals and bakery goods as well as in drinking water. The ways to minimize the risks as well as the main directions of advanced researching of the habitat quality and human health in the town have been discovered.

carcinogenic risk, chemical carcinogens, ambient air, drinking water, soil, food stuff
Valeullina N.N., Ural’shin A.G., Brylina N.A., Nikiforova E.V. , Beketov A.L., Grechko G.Sh. Multienvironmental carcinogenic risk for the validation the ways for its minimization in the city of Chelyabinsk. Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 3, pp. 34-43
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