Influence of light and physical fields on risk of disharmonization of melatonin synthesis in the pineal gland

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V.N. Deynego1, V.A. Kaptsov2, A.I. Soroka3


1 Limited Liability Company “New Power Technologies”, “Technology Park Skolkovo”, Russian Federation, Skolkovo, Moscow region, Novaya Str., 100, 143025
2 Federal State Unitary Enterprise “All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Hygiene” of Rospotrebnadzor, Russian Federation, Moscow, Pakgauznoe Highway, 1, block 1, 125438
3 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman”, Russian Federation, Moscow, Brigadirsky Lane, 4, 105005


It is shown that in a pineal gland serotonin-melatonin synthesis process from tryptophan is classified as oscillatory process. This process can be described in terms of pattern that allows building seasonal and annual schedules of melatonin doses changes in blood.

Redistribution between serotonin and melatonin in the hormonal spectrum is regulated by light exposure time on ganglion cells of eye retina, and the levels of melatonin doses depend on the sensory characteristics of the pineal gland. Cyclical process of melatonin synthesis under the influence of light can enter into dissonance with astronomical cycle of the pineal gland, which disturbs the harmony in the antioxidant system of an individual and affects his/her health, increasing the risk of disease in distance future.

Morphological studies of the pineal gland showed that in it a variety of crystals (calcite, fluorite) are synthesize, which can be combined into three-dimensional matrices. These crystals have direct and inverse piezoelectric effect, and may contain ions of phosphorus, magnesium and fluorine. Studies have shown that the concentration of fluoride in the pineal gland of an individual is more than in his/her bones. The analysis of calcite (CaCO3) formation in various biological systems has been implemented and the new model of interaction between crystals and intracellular structure of the pineal gland has been proposed.

In this system model there are interlinked crystals of calcite, which touch the glial cells, with the grid in which there are canals with melatonin, which form in the human brain an area sensitive to grade-gravitational effects (from redistribution of surrounding mass or changes in specific ambient density).

Suggestions to correct hygienic requirements to the light spectrum and lightning time from the artificial sources have been formulated. Requirements for excluding fluorine introduction into food stuff (milk, flour, water) and into hygienic items (tooth paste) also have been formed.

Melanopsin pattern can be accepted as a basis for forecasting techniques for detection of melatonin levels in the antioxidant system of an individual.

occupational health, melatonin, pattern, brain sand, concentration gradient, gravity gradient, phase-frequency gradient
Deynego V.N. , Kaptsov V.A., Soroka A.I. Influence of light and physical fields on risk of disharmonization of melatonin synthesis in the pineal gland. Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 2, pp. 30-41
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