Characteristics of endocrine disorders in children, living in conditions of high level risk of inhalation exposure to benzene, phenol, benzo(a) pyrene

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K.P. Luzhetsky1,2, O.Yu. Ustinova1,2, O.A. Maklakova1,2, L.N. Palagina1


1 FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”, Russian Federation, Perm, 82 Monastyrskaya St., 614045
2 Perm State National Research University, Russian Federation, Perm, 15 Bukireva St., 614990


The study of incidence of endocrine diseases in children, living in conditions of high level risk of inhalation exposure to chemical technogenic factors of large industrial center, has been performed. In the condition of high level risk of chronic aerogenic exposure to benzene, phenol, benzo (a) pyrene the violations of thyroid homeostasis, carbohydrate and fat metabolism (goiter (E04.9), the excess food (E67.8) and obesity (E66.0)) were diagnosed in 1.3-2.0 times more likely than in the comparison group. The relationship of the formation of endocrine disorders in children with increased content of benzene, phenol and benzo (a) pyrene in blood has been established. Children, living in the areas with chemical atmospheric pollution with substances influencing hormonogenesis and light iodine deficit, have a reduced level of iodine provision, changes in the structure and volume of the thyroid gland 1.7-2.4 times higher than in the comparison group.

children, endocrine disorders, benzene, phenol, benzo (a) pyrene
Luzhetsky K.P., Ustinova O.Yu., Maklakova O.A., Palagina L.N. Characteristics of endocrine disorders in children, living in conditions of high level risk of inhalation exposure to benzene, phenol, benzo(a) pyrene. Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 2, pp. 97-103
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