Sanitary and epidemiological safety and risk to health of children and teenagers during education

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V.R. Kuchma1, E.I. Shubochkina1, S.G. Safonkina2, V.V. Molgavanov3, E.M. Ibragimova1


1 FSBI Scientific Center of Children Health Under the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 2/62, Lomonosovsky , Moscow, 119991, Russia,
2 Research institute of hygiene and health care of children and adolescents, Scientific Center of Children’s Health, RAMS, building 5, Maly Kazenny lane, Moscow, 105064, Russia,
3 FBH “Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Moscow“, 4/9, 129626, Russia


The materials on the dynamics of sanitary and epidemiological safety of educational institutions of Moscow and the state of health of children and teenagers for the period 2005–2010 have been assessed. The increased risks of growth of outbreaks of infectious diseases and the school-connected disorders of health of children and teenagers have been proved at the actual deterioration of conditions of training in educational institutions of the 2nd group of sanitary condition. It is shown that the assessment criteria of sanitary and epidemiological safety of educational institutions need new approach for a more objective assessment of educational establishments to reduce the risks to pupils’ health. The onclusions have been drawn that the control system of sanitary and epidemiologic safety of pupils in the conditions of modern activity regulations of services and establishments of Russian Agency for Health and Consumer Rights has to include both the actions provided by the legislation and innovative actions – successfully approved in other fields of activity: production control over observance of health regulations and performance of sanitary and epidemiologic (preventive) actions depending on the level of their sanitary and epidemiologic safety, sanitary and epidemiologic audit in educational institutions.

sanitary and epidemiological safety of pupils, risks of emergence of outbreaks of infectious diseases and the school-connected disorders of health, system of management of sanitary and epidemiologic safety in educational establishments, innovative approac
Kuchma V.R., Shubochkina E.I., Safonkina S.G., Molgavanov V.V., Ibragimova E.M. Sanitary and epidemiological safety and risk to health of children and teenagers during education. Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 1, pp. 65-73
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