Exposure assessment for population to fine particles in the influence zones of emissions from industrial stationary emission sources

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I.V. May, А.А. Kokoulina, S.Y. Zagorodnov, E.V. Popova


FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies” 82, Monastyrskaya St., Perm, 614045, Russia


In the case of the metallurgical, mining and engineering industries the instrumental studies results of disperse composition of the emissions are described, normalized fractions PM2.5 and PM10 are isolated. Values of the sedimentation coefficients for fine particles with different properties are clarified. It is shown that the use of data on dust dispersed composition and reasonable sedimentation coefficients improves the accuracy of calculations by 1.5–2.5 times. The described approach can improve the accuracy of influence zones for industrial enterprises dust emissions and exposure assessment.

dust and gas emissions; fine particles; PM10, PM2.5, exposure assessment, dispersion, fractional composition, sedimentation coefficient
May I.V., Kokoulina А.А., Zagorodnov S.Y., Popova E.V. Exposure assessment for population to fine particles in the influence zones of emissions from industrial stationary emission sources. Health Risk Analysis, 2014, no. 1, pp. 21-30
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