Assessing the risk of developing the metabolic syndrome as a predictor of cardiovascular pathologies in oil-extracting company workers

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613.64: 616.717 – 057

A.S. Baydina, V.B. Alexeyev, A.Ye. Nosov, Ye.A. Shirinkina


FBSI «Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies», Russian Federation, Perm, 82 Monastyrskaya St., 614045


The findings of an assessment of the risk of developing the metabolic syndrome in oil-extracting company workers showed that occupational exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons should be considered as a risk factor of cardiovascular pathologies. The incidence of the metabolic syndrome and arterial hypertension in the workers exposed to aromatic hydrocarbons was found to increase by 16% and 13.9%, respectively. In the occupational groups, exposed to aromatic hydrocarbons, individual components of the metabolic syndrome, i.e. hyperuricemia (EF 52.33%) and hyperleptinemia (EF 33.02%), and the metabolic syndrome in general (EF 36.75%) are occupationally induced. The etiological contribution of benzene and toluene to the development of the metabolic syndrome amounted to 4.62%.

aromatic hydrocarbons, metabolic syndrome, oil-extracting company, arterial hypertension, hyperuricemia, hyperleptinemia
Baydina A.S., Alexeyev V.B., Nosov A.Ye., Shirinkina Ye.A. Assessing the risk of developing the metabolic syndrome as a predictor of cardiovascular pathologies in oil-extracting company workers. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 4, pp. 70-76
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