The substantiation of a benchmark level for vanadium in human biomedia (blood)

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M.A. Zemlyanova1, T.S. Ulanova1, O.O. Sinitsyna2, O.V. Gileva 1


1 FBSI «Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies», 82 Monastyrskaya St, Perm, 614045, Russia,
2 Federal State Budget Institution «A.N. Sysin Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Health», Russian Federation, Moscow, 10 Pogodinskaya St., Building 1, 119992


This article presents a comprehensive environmental health assessment of environmental components in the area influenced by ferrovanadium production facilities, the results of clinical laboratory and chemical testing of the biological media (blood) of individuals, who were residing in various areas of exposure, and «dose and vanadium concentration in blood» and «marker of exposure and marker of effect» correlations. Based on the epidemiological studies, the body's responses to chronic environmental exposure to vanadium were substantiated and the benchmark level for vanadium in human blood was determined.

vanadium, blood, benchmark level, epidemiological studies
Zemlyanova M.A, Ulanova T.S., Sinitsyna O.O., Gileva O.V. The substantiation of a benchmark level for vanadium in human biomedia (blood)Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 4, pp. 32-40
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