Methodical approaches to increasing the accuracy of exposure assessment based on the conjugation of simulation and monitoring data on ambient air quality

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I.V. May, S.V. Kleyn, V.M. Chigvintsev, S.Yu. Balashov


FBSI «Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies», Russian Federation, Perm, 82 Monastyrskaya St., 614045


To make the assessment of human inhalation exposure more accurate, the study proposed and validated a method for the conjugation of data obtained by the monitoring of air pollutants and the calculations of the dispersion of emissions from stationary and mobile sources. The method is based on the determination of the concordance coefficients between the simulation and monitoring of pollutants at certain points (for example in air monitoring stations) and on the solution using the concordance coefficients of a system of linear algebraic equa-
tions for points inside triangles produced by Delaunay traingulation in a given area. The validation and verification of the method in a large industrial center case study suggests a 1.5 to 4 enhancement of the accuracy of forecasting ground level concentrations in comparison with the approximation of the data obtained from monitoring stations by the inverse distance method or dispersion calculations. The method provides a more correct zoning and the determination of the number of individuals residing in an area of short-term and / or long-term (chronic) exposure.

ambient air, exposure assessment, dispersion calculations, monitoring, accuracy of forecasting
May I.V., Kleyn S.V., Chigvintsev V.M., Balashov S.Yu. Methodical approaches to increasing the accuracy of exposure assessment based on the conjugation of simulation and monitoring data on ambient air quality. Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 4, pp. 17-25
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