Assessing losses related to actual disease incidence in a region's population: an economic aspect (a case study of the Altai region of russia)

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A.A. Ushakov1, I.P. Saldan1, O.I. Goleva2,3, T.N. Karpova1


1 The Altai Region Department of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance, Barnaul, Russia,
2 Federal Budget Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”,
3 Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Perm State National Research University”, Perm, Russia


The analysis of the economic losses associated with the actual disease incidence in the region's population by the following classes of diseases "Poisoning by drugs, medicaments and biological substances” (T36-T50) and "Toxic effects of substances chiefly nonmedicinal as to source” (T51-T65), which includes an assessment of production losses in the region's economy in value terms and an assessment of changes in cash flows in the RF budgets (tax revenues) is presented in this work. The period of time covered by the analysis by the classes of diseases is 5 years (from 2007 to 2011). The greatest region's gross regional product (GRP) losses related to the actual disease incidence in the population by classes of diseases T36-T50 and T51-T65 GRP over the analyzed time period were seen in 2011.

economic evaluation of VAT, income tax and GRP losses; actual disease incidence in the population by classes of diseases; time period covered by the analysis; production loss evaluation in value terms, evaluation of changes in cash flows in the RF budgets
Ushakov A.A., Saldan I.P., Goleva O.I., Karpova T.N. Assessing losses related to actual disease incidence in a region's population: an economic aspect (a case study of the Altai region of russia). Health Risk Analysis, 2013, no. 2, pp. 73-78
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