Health risk assessment and management as an effective tool to solve issues to ensure the health and epidemiological well-being of the Russian Federation population

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G. G. Onischenko


Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance, Russian Federation, building 5 and 7, house 18, Vadkovsky lane, Moscow, 127994


The Russian Federation continues to develop legislative, scientific, methodological and information bases, harmonized with international requirements and approaches, for the methodology of assessing health risks from exposure to harmful environmental factors. Health risk assessment methods, which are included in the social and environmental health monitoring system, have been validated and proven to be effective, are used in many Russian regions to justify health and environmental measures to protect public health, workers' health as well as in product safety analysis, etc. Taking into account risk parameters, we developed national environmental health standards of the concentrations of chemical substances in the environment, we justified the position of the Russian Federation on the content of residual harmful impurities in food, we justified ambient air quality monitoring programs during the Universiade in Kazan and the Olympic Games in Sochi. The country is developing methodical and laboratory basis for social and environment health monitoring as a foundation for exposure assessment; new approaches to the determination and mathematical modeling of "dose-effect" relationships, to risk classifications, including those used in exposure to factors of various origin, and to the application of risk assessment results in management decision making in the field of ensuring health and epidemiological well-being, are being validated.

risk assessment, risk management, practical application
Onischenko G. G. Health risk assessment and management as an effective tool to solve issues to ensure the health and epidemiological well-being of the Russian Federation population. Health Risk Analysis, 2013. no. 1, pp.4-14
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